Move in report

<p>We moved our daughter into ridgecrest south on Thursday. It was very well organized from start to finish. We pulled into a line of cars to wait our turn. We drove up to a small tent of cheerful volunteers who gave us a clipboard with info card for D to fill out. Once complete they took the info card and by the time we rolled up to second tent a few yards away they had her keys ready. Another volunteer noted her room number and number of cars in our party on sticky notes attached to car door. A third volunteer offered cold bottles water and Gatorade to us. At the third tent which was right in front of the entrance to the dorm we stopped the car and a swarm of volunteers descended to unload both cars, putting dorm items into huge rolling bins with sticky notes designating room number. They had daughter go open room while they hauled all the stuff upstairs for us. They directed me to park D’s car in parking lot and H to park his car a few blocks away where a shuttle waited to return him to dorm. The volunteers unloaded everything in the dorm room a bid us a cheerful goodbye. So within 30 min of arriving we were putting items away. Now that’s the way to run a move in! Hope everything else goes as smoothly for my D. Kudos UA housing! </p>

<p>Also wanted to note that I brought a bucketful of cleaning supplies anticipating a deep cleaning would be needed. Nope. That suite was scrupulously clean. I kept wiping down surfaces, walls, and inside cabinet drawers only to find a clean cloth. It was amazing. They must have repainted the walls and replaced the cabinets because it looked like it had never been lives in. One negative - the room was a lot smaller than the one D stayed in on third floor during BB. She was disappointed about size. But by the time we finished hanging pics and making bed and adding her personal touches it was cozy and perfect. Here’s to a good year!</p>

<p>Glad it went well for you! The move-in process is a well oiled machine. We had an early move-in time a couple years ago and there was no line at all for Ridgecrest West. Efficiency and helpfulness at UA isn’t limited to housing, either.</p>

<p>Agree… Move-in at UA is super smooth! They know what they are doing!!</p>

<p>Sticker - I had similar move-in experience DS’s freshman year. The dorm was sparkling clean, end to end. Even the tops of the cabinets had been wiped! Everything was steam cleaned and sanitized, and there was plenty of toilet paper and cold water in the fridge! My son’s actual bedroom was a bit dusty and needed some attention, but other than that, it was great! Also, the common room was decorated, curtains hung, and large TV installed. Yes - cleaning was a breeze.</p>

<p>NRDMOM - I think you have someone else other than the school to thank for that! ;)</p>

<p>That’s why she loves me. I steam cleaned for her. </p>

<p>I deserve the best…</p>