Moving in early for OA-son may have to fly

<p>My check for OA has been cashed, so I am assuming my son made the list. He applied the day after it opened. Anyway, our plan was for my oldest son (will be a junior) to also move down a week early because we are not making the drive to Alabama twice from North Texas. It turns out that he can’t get into his apartment at East Edge early. He had thought the lease started at the beginning of summer. They are firm on this. We would have to accept it as is without any painting/carpet cleaning, and that would not be great or fair to his roommates. Before I cancel OA for my youngest son, I wanted to explore having him fly in for the program. We would bring his things the following weekend. This seems doable since they really don’t need much that week and they keep the kids busy. My oldest son did OA and it was such a great way to start–I really want youngest son to do it too. Does anyone have suggestions for getting from Birmingham to campus? I am assuming the shuttle won’t be running that weekend. Also, does anyone know what day move in will be for the OA students? I have e-mailed Ms. Alley, but have not heard from her yet. Son will be in Ridgecrest East. Thanks for any info!</p>

<p>There are other threads regarding the airport shuttle. Housing also have names of other shuttle companies serving Birmingham Airport to campus.</p>

<p>I’m not sure why the HC says dates haven’t been decided. Housing has the dates posted already for 2013 move in. Here’s the link:</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“]Student”></p>

<p>Have you considered a sublease at EE? Also, EE does short term leases. You should be able to work something out by paying extra for the days he would be occupying a unit.</p>

<p>3kidsinhs, I don’t see any reason not to fly your son down and then bring his stuff the next week. You are not supposed to arrange rides via CC but maybe your son can post in the OA/AA Facebook group that he needs a ride from the airport and find one that way.</p>

<p>bamagirls, someone posted earlier that those dates were not complete yet. Don’t remember who or what thread or where they got the information. It does seem odd that there is nothing on Saturday listed.</p>

<p>^^Yes, that does seem odd that Saturday dates aren’t listed. Hmm.</p>

<p>We did ask ee for a short lease, but the only option was 2 months. Silly when we only needed a week. I thought it wouldn’t be a problem either but they said not unless we agree to accept as is. Period. No leeway. Not even for a week.</p>

<p>Flying and taking an airport shuttle to UA is actually very easy and is how many students from far away, be it the US or foreign countries, get to UA. I suggest having him take the first flight of the morning and shipping a box or two in advance. His older brother can bring the other items the next week. Remember to pack items for both sun and rain.</p>

<p>I thought I saw a page showing the move in dates for OA & AA participants. Link in this thread doesn’t mention those. Was I imagining that or has anyone else seen it?</p>

<p>OA rep told me the move in is going to be Thursday or Friday as far as they know.</p>

<p>OP - We are driving the whole family down and doing a vacation. We’re renting a vehicle and not sure of the size yet. I’ll pm you and as our plans firm up, we may be able to help you out.</p>

<p>DS is flying in by himself for Bama Bound. At the very least, we’ll be able to let you know how smooth DS’ experience with a shuttle service will be.</p>

<p>Thanks! I heard back from Susan alley, and move in will be aug. 8-11. Help is there aug. 8 and 9. Time to look at flights!</p>

<p>AA/OA staff will move in Thursday, Aug. 8, and participants will move in Friday, August 9.</p>

<p>Everyone who is moving in on either day will need to sign up for a check-in time, when the sign-up becomes available in June.</p>

<p>Any word on early move in for kids doing Camp 1831 before OA?</p>

<p>And as a follow on to the last question about Camp 1831, anyone know whether there will be assistance for those who move in on August 6th for Camp 1831? Trying to decide whether it makes sense to try to move everything in on August 6th or just move in the bare essentials for survival early and then wait until the regular early move in times August 8/9 after return from Camp 1831 to do the big move in.</p>

<p>My S is an RA and will be on duty this summer, taking classes, and therefore will basically be on campus almost without exception in the run up to early arrivals, etc. If ya’ll need help with anything, please let me know. We would be delighted to help your family in any way we can.</p>