Music and Homework?

<p>Do you listen to music while doing homework? If so, what kind?</p>

<p>I used to blast death metal. Now, I try to listen to songs without lyrics (sigur r</p>

<p>Yes, all different kids. Whatever I'm in the mood for really... My ipod is pretty extensive (in artist and in genre) so I can just pick random stuff.</p>

<p>step 1. put itunes on shuffle
step 2. start homework
step 3. ???
step 4. profit</p>

<p>No. I can't concentrate on anything else if I'm listening to music of any kind.</p>

<p>Nope, but I don't listen to music period, so it's not so much because of the HW thing.</p>

<p>I prefer to do my HW in complete silence though, or my performance suffers...</p>

<p>To me, the equation goes like this:</p>

<p>Music + Homework = DNE</p>

<p>Silence, please.</p>

<p>Hmmm, YES!</p>

<p>Mostly Rock variants</p>

<p>Death metal, Hard Rock, Classic Rock, Heavy Metal, Alternative Rock, Orchestral Rock, Symphonic Rock. but sometimes String quartets and stuff as well.</p>

<p>I listen to punk/pop-punk/rock/pop-rock/powerpop/alternative while I'm doing homework. I've found that I really like listening to Angels & Airwaves while doing homework. Oasis is another good artist to listen to while studying.</p>

<p>i listen to cool tunes :D like - YouTube</a> - L Theme Song</p>

<p>Always. I can't focus in total silence.</p>

Anything but rap.</p>

<p>Anything with a vocal melody is going to try and grab your attention away from whatever your doing. Classical music is fine. If people say rock/pop music helps them focus it is a lie or an illusion.</p>

<p>John williams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>

<p>classical music requires MORE focus than rock/pop for me. how much focus music needs is not a property inherent to the music itself but is entirely decided by the listener.</p>



<p>I used to blast death metal and rap as loudly as possible (connecting my laptop or ipod to a music system)</p>

<p>Now it's pretty much all rock and foreign...</p>

<p>I only listen to my ipod for math or physics, never chemistry, english or history. Really just with number related things otherwise my brain gets all messed up.</p>

<p>I definitely cannot. Which is strange because I can eat, talk on the phone, and watch TV while I do my homework.
But if music is playing I’ll get nothing done.</p>

<p>I can do it with the Russian National Anthem at the beginning of writing papers, but otherwise, prefer silence.</p>