My chances at Purdue?

Hi! I am applying to Purdue with the intention of going into Computer Science. The issue is my weighted GPA is about a 3.1 and I do not know if I have a legitimate shot at getting accepted into the school. I took multiple APs my junior year and was able to get Bs and B+s, and I have 2 A-s and a B+ my senior year taking more APs. I received a 30 on my ACT and a 1320 on my SAT. I am going to take the Math SAT in january and I am applying out of state. Is there a chance I can get in??

im applying for CS too… i just found out that purdue has one of the greatest CS programs but university has maybe the worst location… first of all its indiana and also in the city of 30k.
i have 1320 sat as well and 9.6/10 average (96%) tho -.-

@rajpatel123 Honest opinion…you will find it difficult to get into CS with 3.1 Weighted GPA. Based on this year’s results it looks like it is going to get difficult to get into CS in the future years without a 3.75+ GPA. I believe a decent SAT score of 1400+ might get one in if the GPA is 3.75+…This is not only true for Purdue but for any good school with a CS program ranked in the top 25 in the country.

@rajpatel123 sometimes it’s really hard to tell what colleges are looking at when they make the decision. My daughter got accepted into Engineering College at Purdue and I remember she went to summer camp at Purdue couple years ago where people asked these kind questions and the administration personal said they don’t just look at the GPA and SAT score. Couple of my daughter’s friends were as good as her as far as GPA 4.39 and new SAT 1350 ACT 32 but they were denied from Engineering college but accepted into general Purdue (my daughter been tennis player since 7th grade and she is also been in various of clubs thru out middle and high school years also she puts in lots of volunteer hours) So if I were you I would apply and see what they say.
Do you really want to go to Purdue? or you just want to see where you stand as my daughter did, she applied at ivy league college, The Columbia University just to see if they will accept her…