National Hispanic Recognition Program Class of 2022

Hi! I got a 1410 on the PSAT that I took in January 2021 but I never got an email. I’m a junior and hispanic and I included my email in college board but I’m not sure who to contact. I sent my application through the website that you guys gave and clicked “no” for the question asking if I received an email. What should I do?


None of those links addresses the question of what PSAT scores correspond, in some given year, to the 90th percentile among Hispanic takers of the PSAT.

I too have been looking for this. My daughter qualified two years ago, but was above 90th percentile for all test takers, so that did not provide much information.

It would be useful information as my sophomore does test prep for Junior year Fall 2023 to know what score he likely will need. We are in Kansas.

The best I can offer is to suggest a web search for “National Hispanic Recognition Program: Overview + Cutoff Scores” that will take you to a two-year old NHRP blog that offer some insight.

It’s not totally relevant but should give you some sense of what to aim at… i.e. a 1400+ PSAT score should be safe. Below that your mileage may vary.

Daughter’s 1420 PSAT was top 2% just two years ago. Per this article, a safe 11th grade PSAT target is 1300.

Good info, but keep in mind that for CBNRP Hispanic the qualifier is not the top 10% of all the Hispanic PSAT test takers, but 10% of the Hispanic PSAT test takers within the state (threshold was higher and within region for NHRP).

Traditionally Hispanic students in the South region, i.e. Southeast, have performed better than their peers in other regions. So, I am not convinced that 1300 would necessarily be safe everywhere.

My understanding is that the cutoff was like 1100 or something along those lines. 1300 is 90th percentile for ALL test takers.

I believe you are correct now that you mention that. It’s probably true that 1200 is a safe score to shoot for.

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Has anyone applied to U South Florida? My son was admitted but no mention of the NRP award scholarship. Has anyone received the award? We have emailed the scholarship office but crickets so far.

We applied last cycle. They did add NHRP award maybe a month or two after initial award letter from what I recall. Plus auto-admit to honors.

In general they under communicate vs other schools. Also we uploaded the award certificate to their applicant portal to make sure they were aware of her status.

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Thanks. My son emailed scholarships office but no reply. He tried calling but cannot get through. I guess beginning of semester rush? I agree, compared to other schools, USF is very slow to respond. Not a good look. Did your daughter choose USF?

She is at Texas A&M but had seriously considered USF and University of Arizona due to large merit awards.

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My daughter got a 1310 in Fall of 2020, which was 93rd percentile among all takers, and thus definitely > 90th percentile among Hispanic takers, and indeed she was invited to apply and eventually got the NHRP certificate. So I would say your son will qualify, congrats.

USF Sent out emails to admitted NMSF students today. Full ride.


Congrats, that’s a great package!

Well, did they change their requirements because NMSF kids get $5K per year as OOS and NRP kids get $4K per year plus the Presidential waiver.

What am I missing here? Did you get it?

Is there a new thread for the class of 2024? My kid got a high enough score for Commended status, but not NMSF. However, my kid’s other parent is Hispanic and I’m wondering if the NHRPC is something they can apply for. Thanks!

Feel free to start a thread for 2024! The mechanics of the program have been tweaked almost every year the past few years. The latest FAQ is here. In particular, note:

Students with eligible scores in eligible exam windows who have disclosed their race/ethnicity and high school will be formally invited to apply in early spring. Students who believe they’re eligible for recognition but do not receive an invitation should apply through our application site, For Students: National Recognition Programs - BigFuture. These students can self-nominate to have their eligibility reviewed.

Email invitations will come from BigFuture. Students will only be contacted about recognition if they have consented to College Board outreach. Students who have opted out of College Board outreach and believe they meet the eligibility criteria must self-nominate.

(bolding mine)

I don’t know whether the current College Board Recognition Program defines who qualifies as Hispanic. You can see the 2015 definition under the old National Hispanic Recognition Program (NHRP) here, thanks to the wayback machine. By 2018-ish, the form said, “applicants must be at least one-quarter Hispanic/Latino and originally from or descended from inhabitants of at least one of the following countries.”

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I meant the email they sent to NMSFs assuming they will pick USF as first choice when they become finalists. The link does say full ride in that case even for OOS students.

NON-Florida residents (as determined by the institution)

  • Scholarship covering your full cost of attendanceduring fall and spring semesters as determined by the USF Golden Achievement Program. This merit scholarship is for high school graduates who achieve the National Merit® Scholar Finalist designation (finalist who select USF as their first choice school with NMSC) and covers 100 percent of the cost of attendance, minus the amount that you receive from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. If you qualify for this award, it will replace all other awards from the Office of Admissions.
  • Scholarship options for study abroad(USF Passport Scholarship - $2,000)
  • A tuition waiver for your first year (30 credits) of graduate studyat USF immediately following graduation with a Baccalaureate degree*

Yes, the program is for either Latino (race) or Hispanic (ethnicity/origin from one of the Spanish-speaking nations listed on the PSAT application). If the student indicates either Latino race or other race and Hispanic and the country of origin they will be sent an invitation to apply. Must be at least 1/4 Latino or Hispanic.

Latino is not a race, it is also an ethnicity . You can be Latino and White, Latino and Black, Latino and Asian.