National hispanic recognition program

I called them directly for information. They were very nice. Their number is 866-545-8467. You can also call to get their cut-off scores for your state and ask if a letter was sent for your child. My daughter didn’t include an email address, so they told me that her invitation was mailed.

Hey. Do you know how much uofa is offering?

Congrats to everyone on those emails!!! If you filled it out and don’t hear anything this summer, don’t assume you didn’t get it. My s got the award but we never received the certificate in the mail. He started getting letters from state schools congratulating him and offering money. So he emailed, found out he did get it but then had to back track on applications and put it in. Lesson- if you don’t hear by mid September, reach out to them.

I think this year my S was originally offered 60k . Later they resent offer of 80k.


Which school is u of a? If you mean U of Alabama they don’t give anything for nhrp.
University of Arizona gives about half tuition.
University of Arkansas might give something, but I’d call and check as their website says National Achievement and National Merit but not specifically nhrp.

So…Was there an essay question on the application? My daughter and I didn’t see one, but someone said there was. Now I’m panicked because she submitted her application all ready.

There isn’t an essay question for NHRP. They might be confusing it with HSF or some other scholarship.

@Dolemite @BUalum93 @lizbethp13 @rps1964


So if you get the letter in the mail inviting you to apply what are the chances of getting the recognition after applying?

Letters go out by September, is there any other way to know?

If you’re a finalist, you’ll get a certificate in the mail in September of senior year. You’ll have plenty of time to list it on your college applications.

Your school will also be notified.

Recognized students are from the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Mariana Islands, and the Marshall Islands, as well as other students attending schools abroad.

I spoke with a rep at the NHRP – letters went out last Friday, August 12. Schools will be notified later this month.

Should I be worried If I don’t get my letter soon?

Should I reach out to the college board?


@actprep34, the nice lady at NHRP looked my daughter up on computer, and said she’d be getting the letter. I’m sure she would tell you as well. :slight_smile:

Ok will check soon if I dont get the letter. Thanks :slight_smile:

I just asked them and I got it, Yay

Has anyone actually received the letter yet?

I haven’t gotten the letter yet even though I got accepted.

My D got the letter and the certificate.

@nw2this do you remember if it was early or late last week? I’ll try to give them a call in the morning unless it just arrived, then I will give it a couple of days.


The letter is dated August 9, I don’t remember exactly when it came. Maybe this past Monday, maybe a few days before.

@nw2this Thank you! I called and they said S17 is a finalist and his letter/ certificate has been mailed.

For those of you still waiting for your letter, the woman (who was very nice) said they started packaging them for mailing last Monday so all letters should be received by mid-week this week.

My daughter got the letter and certificate today.