<p>Yesterday I got a letter notifying me that I was given a spot on Notre Dame's waitlist. I have decided to remain on the waitlist but obviously, I have to commit to another school by May 1st (probably either Northwestern or WashU in St Louis)</p>
<p>I am planning on being in touch with the admissions office to get my name out there but does anyone have any advice on specifically what to say/ do? I'm willing to do anything to get in; this is all I've ever wanted. </p>
<p>Also, what is everyone expecting as far as how many will be pulled off the waitlist this year?</p>
<p>A friend of mine who was waitlisted at Caltech did essentially the following: </p>
<p>-Called admissions/his admissions counselor and made sure they knew that it was his TOP CHOICE and that he would absolutely, definitely go there if taken off the waitlist, even if he had to withdraw a deposit from another school</p>
<p>-Sent in some, not too much, supplementary info. If you’ve won any new awards, have one (only one more of this probably) new, awesome rec letter, or anything else you have to show them you are a great student</p>
<p>He got in. Not promising it’ll work for you, but that’s generally considered a good plan of action.</p>
<p>I have seen this same advice on other posts as well. Let the University knoiw how much it means for you to go there. When we visited with our son last year during his junior year, we were told that it is much better to go on an “official” visit so that the school knows you have taken the time to come and see the campus. Definitely send in any supplementary awards, etc. that you may have received. I will keep my fingers crossed for you! There is really no way to know how many students will be admitted off the wait-list until after May 1.</p>
<p>Thanks for the replies! I’ll definitely use that advice. </p>
<p>I’ve heard that ND accepted more than they usually do in early action… I was told that if I would’ve applied early that I would have had a better chance of getting in. Also, I heard that the University has too many men (not sure if that means for the class of 2014 or in general?) so women will probably be the first to be taken off the waitlist to prevent overcrowding in the men’s dorms.</p>
<p>But anyway, with all of this speculation, these next two months are going to be quite stressful!</p>
<p>I don’t know what you’re stats are but EA is usually considered more competitive. Our son decided to apply EA because he felt his application was as strong as it was going to get and there was nothing in his senior year that would have improved his appliccation. Besides having more applicants this year, we were also told that this was the most academically competitive group that Notre Dame has had. That may be why more EAs were accepted.</p>
<p>right, I thought that my application would stand out more in the RD group especially seeing as the only legacy that I have is a brother who currently attends ND (which doesn’t technically count…), I’m not catholic, etc. My ACT is a 33, I have a 4.224 GPA, and I am a nationally competitive dancer. I really don’t think that there is anything per se wrong or unimpressive about my application, it’s just that everyone who applies is of the same caliber student.</p>
<p>You’re right…there are a lot of great applicants posting here but your stats are also impressive. I truly wish you the best. When I applied to colleges it wasn’t nearly as competitive as it is now. You’ve obviously worked hard and are a bright student. You deserve to go to your choice of schools as do so many others on this forum. I think the best advice is to let them know just how passionate you are about attending. Good luck to you.</p>
<p>Thanks to bellakasumi and smd640 for the advice. I was waitlisted, too…it’s going to be a long month or two waiting for a final word, but I know everything will work out the way it’s meant to in the end. </p>
<p>deeebs: best of luck to you. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you…try to stay positive!</p>
<p>Yep, we just have to do what we can and then let God make the final calls I guess!</p>
<p>If anyone starts hearing any info about the waitlist or anything concerning the class of 2014 stats once May comes, make sure you post it up here; I’m definitely interested.</p>
<p>annnnd rose39: good luck to you as well! keep us posted on what ends up happening with you!</p>