<p>Prompt: Can a group of people function effectively without someone being in charge?
People cannon function properly without authority. The basis of all governments, from communism to capitalism, is to help society function. A society lacking government is anarchical and corrupt as anyone can gain power, especially with manpower. History, sports, and literature prove that people need structure, and structure is made by those in power. The Lord of the Flies by William Golding is an example of a society lacking boundaries and structure. Likewise, America’s three branch government serves as a paradigm of necessary structure.
The Lord of the Flies is a novel in which Scottish boys are trapped on an island after their plane crashed on its way to boarding school. Only the boys survived, and the novel is essentially a science project gone wrong, as the boys portray the William Golding’s opinion of government- it is necessary for uncorrupt responsible people to run society. While on the island the boys struggle to survive and they start to turn on each other. Piggy, a harmless boy, is killed during a fight for his glasses which was used to start fires. Without structure the island turns into a chaotic war zone in which the boys are transformed into ruthless savages. If there was some sort of authority the island would have been more tranquil. The truth was revealed about humans, without authority they would not have a basic sense of right and wrong.
After America’s birth in 1776 a crude form of government was adopted called The Articles of Confederation. The document had many weaknesses, including the lack of a National Army and the inability to tax. Power was not evenly spread in this “rough draft” of government and states wanted to follow their own laws rather than national laws. The country was somewhat divided, and change was needed. That change came on September 17, 1787 as the Constitution was ratified and the country was unified under national power. The Constitution brought about many changes, and the country instantly felt them. The lack of national power was a serious problem until the Constitution was drafted, and thus with it came authority. Americans desperately needed structure, and the Constitution ended that need and made life better by allowing taxation and creating the Bill of Rights, which gave every citizen certain unalienable rights.
In sports authority is desperately needed. It is not feasible to play in the game and coach. Without authority, the top sports teams like the New England Patriots would be no better than intramural teams. Football and other sports are as mentally grueling as they are physically. Coaches, general managers, and scouts drive organizations, and the athletes are simply pawns, rather than bishops, knights, or rooks. Without coaches creating plays, general managers signing players, and scouts evaluating the game would not occur. Authority is necessary for sports, as sports of all levels build life skills, and structure is necessary for life.
Structure and authority are one in the same. Without authority society would be in the dark ages without any advances. A strong government is imperative for mankind to advance in any way because without it humans would be as mechanical as animals, hunting for food without morals. Authority in a sense shapes society; it allows humans to grow within limits and provides boundaries for when we go to far.</p>
<p>Really liked the essay. Just a few questions. Did that fit into the space given in the tests? Also Is the structure the same in the test?</p>
<p>It was a little difficult to read it properly since it was in one paragraph.</p>
<p>I’d say around a 5 (between 9-11 for 2 graders )</p>
<p>Could you grade mine also? I just posted it</p>
<p>It was in 5 paragraph college confidential got rid of my indentations, and yes it fit in the space they gave me and no prob grading yours appreciate it.</p>