<p>Okay, I promise this forum won't just be a depository for my personal issues. I actually have college concerns and I genuinely like this community from the looks of it. But...</p>
<p>There's girl issues. Of course there's girl issues! I'm not the social failure that I was two years ago, I have dozens of friends now and have settled rather comfortably into the community. As soon as I started getting interested in this girl in my biology class,though, my speech skills go to hell. </p>
<p>So I asked her (with the greatest effort of sounding casual and not completely nervous and dumbstruck) if she wanted to eat lunch with me at our school's cafe-ish joint that serves as an alternative to the crap we eat in the regular cafeteria. She said something along the lines of "Oh, I was actually going to go eat with my friend(s)" So I mercifully let her go to avoid assuming the obsessive/creeper phase.</p>
<p>I'm guessing your first impression is already: "Woah, this guy is trying WAY too hard!"
I know. That's something I'll fix sometime - maybe sometime soon. What I would like to know is: I can't obviously just give up based on that one instance, right? She does talk to me frequently (admittedly, this is more when she needs help with her homework or something, and it's often over facebook). I was interested in talking to her about other things aside from school and actually getting to know her, but my way of going about this was the above plan. What do I need to change, based on what you can glimpse of the situation?</p>