I need some girl advice

<p>ok so here I am back on college confidential. After being on this site a lot, once i started my first semester of college, i stopped because of all the work i had to do. Anyway......</p>

<pre><code>So I'm really excited, im doing well in all of my classes , ive made some great friends and i couldnt ask for anything more. I had a really rough summer and now everything is well.

So I'm 100% macedonian. and one of my roomates says that he met a cute girl that was also macedonian at our college. he's like dude you should friend request her on facebook.

<p>so i'm like sure why not. as i get on my facebook i already see that she has friend requested me probably because my roomate told her about me. So that night im on facebook and i see that she's online so i start chatting with her. We talk and she says she is half macedonian and half turkish. She is telling me how she visits every summer and i've never even left the country. We talk for about a half hour and she decides to go to bed since it was 2 in the morning. so im like ok.
we end up talking once more and that was it. after going through some of her photos i see that she is very attractive, to me at least. So i try to keep this facebook thing going by writing on her wall. that day was a macedonian holiday so i mentioned it. then like four of five girls write on her wall after me so she ends up never even reading my post. Im kinda lost on what to do now because i havent met her but she knows girls that i know plus my roomate and they all say she is really nice and outgoing.
so, i need some advice what should my next move be because i kinda want to keep this facebook thing going. i was thinking maybe commenting on one of her photos..idk
i would really appreciate any advice and thanks for reading all of this. ohhh and if i sound creepy, tell me.</p>

<p>hm why don’t you go meet this person in person?</p>

<p>Get over your oneitis for a girl that you’ve never met.</p>

<p>I would suggest stopping being that creepy facebook stalker. Perhaps ask your friend that knows her to introduce you two in real life…</p>

<p>Since the semester is ending; im not going to see her anytime soon so I’m trying to at least make her somewhat think about me by facebook. i will proably meet her next semester but I dont want it to be awkward or anything. I dont want my roomate to introduce us, I kinda want to meet her myself.
Anyway should I just give up the facebook thing then because it feels like without facebook im giving up and she might forget me!</p>

<p>Obvious question, are you sure she is single? Also, if she forgets about you over break, you probably didn’t make much of an impression to begin with, so it probably isn’t worth pursuing. Why do you not want to meet her through your roommates? It seems like a really convenient method…</p>

<p>Um, maybe just comment at Christmas or New Year’s (just one, not both) or something, just to say, “Hope your day was great,” or something along those lines. And do the same with a few other friends, so it seems more normal. Commenting on pictures is kind of creepy to me, as most of my friends rarely do that. Don’t write to her too much or she’ll get weirded out, I promise. Asking your friend to introduce you two is a really good idea. If it seems like it’d be too forced, see if you can stage it so it seems more natural. I say just comment once over break to keep you on her mind, but otherwise play hard to get. You haven’t even met her, so if you keep writing all over her Facebook, she’ll only think of you as the creepy Facebook stalker, and it’ll be hard to change that impression later.</p>

<p>ask for her number…</p>

<p>This sounds extremely creepy, no offense. You haven’t even met this girl? Forget about it until the opportunity more clearly presents itself.</p>

<p>Find out where she lives. Go to her house when she’s not home, and hide in her closet. When she gets home and walks into her room, jump out and yell “ZDRAVO!” with an acute passion. She’ll be all over you!</p>

<p>have your friend introduce you two, or ask her for her number on facebook. outside of that, you can only get so far on facebook.</p>

<p>Facebooking is pretty much synonymous with stalking, so try not to use it as a crutch. Just ask for her number in a message and then call her over break or something like that.</p>

<p>Step 1: Back off for a week or two.
Step 2: Engage in light conversation of facebook (related to a social event or something) if you can’t engage her in person.
Step 3: After about 20 mins or so, say you need to go but casually tell her to give you her number so you can talk/text for a bit or later on.<br>
Step 4: well, you take it from here. ;P</p>

<p>thanks guys this is great advice…i think I’ll comment over the break while commenting on other photo’s of other people. Then I’ll wait a little and make that light conversation then i’ll ask for her number. I’ll prob meet her early next semester or so. thanks again and i will keep you guys posted!!! and yawn…I’ll think about it lol</p>

<p>These guys are giving you crap advice. Don’t comment on any of her pictures, don’t write on her wall at all. You will just be pushing yourself down that stalker river more and more.</p>

<p>You don’t ask a girl you don’t know for her phone number, that is creepy as hell.</p>

<p>Just forget about her for a month. Go have sex with 200 girls over your semester break, and then if you still want her, then go an pursue her.</p>

<p>Okay, slash that last part, but just forget about her for a month. When you get back from break have your friend try to introduce you in some staged activity.</p>

<p>^ITA with akhman24. Do NOT comment on any of her pictures. What you said you’re going to do makes you seem pretty creepy (this is coming from a girl). I would just wait until next semester. Just have your roommate help you break the ice then. Just put her in the back of your mind for now. You really don’t know anything about her, so making any rash actions could be the beginning of a disaster.</p>



<p>:S I think this tells you how much this guy knows what he’s talking about. </p>

<p>Don’t be a ■■■■■, just get her number.</p>



<p>Keep in mind this is a girl on CC talking and if her ideal guy tried to hit her up eve on facebook she’d more than likely be more than willing to give him her number.</p>

<p>^Please, keep in mind that this is a guy on CC talking. I doubt he’s getting any…</p>

<p>ok ok heres the thing the pic i want to comment on is of her visiting macedonia.
ive never been there so i thought if i commented on it like" wow i cant wait to visit". therefore im not commenting on a picture of her but of macedonia. i think this will make us have a conversation through this pic…again thanks for everything guys and gals keep it coming</p>

<p>BeKindRewind, what is the point of him getting her number? So he can call her, and say, “Hi Ms. Macedonian Nut Girl, I’m that creepy facebook stalker. Now I’m you’re creepy phoen stalker…just wanted to say hi…umm…bye.”</p>

<p>you can ask a girl that you don’t know for a phone number, but you have to establish some level of attraction beforehand, which can’t be accomplished over facebook. Talking to her over facebook doesn’t get you attraction or comfort… so what reason does she have to care about you unless you’re extremely good looking or have some other obvious asset?</p>