Need information on honors college

<p>I’m currently a transfer student with 27 credits who was just accepted to the honors college at the University of Arizona. First my question is what exact requirements do I need to fulfill to graduate with an honors degree? Second, since i’ve been accepted to the honors college, do I automatically get additional grants for my financial aid?</p>

<p>I’m not too sure about the grants and financial aid question but based on the information I received from orientation you need:</p>

<li>A senior thesis/project</li>
<li>30 honors credit hours</li>
<li>3.5 GPA by the time you graduate</li>

<p>in order to graduate with honors.</p>

<p>You don’t get additional aid automatically, but there are a lot of grants and scholarships that you can apply for that aren’t that hard to get. There are regular scholarships, but also grants to cover research, study abroad, travel to conferences, internships, etc. There’s more info here: [Grant</a> and Scholarship Opportunities | Students | Honors College | The University of Arizona](<a href=“]Grant”></p>