New to Forums and UA!

<p>Okay, I’m sorry this is long but I’ve been reading these forums for a LONG time and I know there is some super helpful information here! I’ve already learned so much here. </p>

<p>My situation is somewhat unique. I’m 20 years old and graduated from high school in 2008 (I was homeschooled). I haven’t gone to college yet, but have been working for the past few years. I didn’t know where I wanted to go or what I wanted to major in. However, now after the past few years I have a much better idea. I definitely want to major in social work. </p>

<p>After a recent trip to Alabama to visit some friends, I am IN LOVE with Alabama as a state! I currently live in the SW USA and it’s so brown and ugly here. I can’t stand it. I love the south and can’t wait to get there! Anyway, I am really really strongly considering the University of Alabama (Fall 2012). I have a 3.8 GPA and a SAT score of 1320 (just reading and math), and I’m retaking the SAT this fall in hopes to bump it up to the 1400 required to get me the full tuition OOS presidential scholarship for entering freshman.</p>

<p>I have so many questions! Any information about UA would be so appreciated. I’m pretty conservative/right leaning, and I’m a Christian. I’m assuming I’ll be able to find like minded students on the campus? </p>

<p>Also, I know ZERO about sororities! Please educate me. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>If I want to enroll for the fall 2012 semester and be accepted for scholarships, I have to have my application in and my scholarship application in by December 1, right?</p>

<p>What happens after that? How much is the housing deposit? Freshman deposit? What are the payment deadlines for housing/food?</p>

<p>I know you all will have the answers! Any and all information is HUGELY appreciated. THANK YOU!</p>

<p>Welcome arizonagirl!</p>

<p>One thing I would recommend is that as soon as you are accepted you send in the Housing Deposit. The freshman housing selection is done according to the time you sent in your deposit, so, the earlier the deposit, the earlier you’ll be able to select your housing.</p>

<p>I’m not sure about the deadline for the food plan. I would guess that you have to pay that prior to/at Freshman Orientation.</p>

<p>I’m sure others will recommend it, but, you might want to take the ACT as well, since some folks score better on it.</p>

<p>I can’t help you with the rest of it but I am sure someone else will chime in…</p>


<p>Re: testing…Take both the ACT and SAT.</p>

<p>For scholarships you need the Sept or Oct ACT …or the Oct or Nov SAT. Since you need a higher score, take as many of these 4 tests as you can.</p>

<p>You pay housing deposit after you’re accepted and pay your enrollment deposit.</p>

<p>You don’t pay for meal plan until around the time school starts.</p>

<p>Are your parents going to help you with any costs?</p>

<p>Do not take any CC classes this year.</p>

<p>Yes, there are many Christians and Christian groups on campus…the various churches/temples surround the campus.</p>

<p>What do you want to major in?</p>

<p>I’d like to major in social work. My parents will help with some, but I certainly don’t expect them to pay my way. I also do NOT want to graduate with any debt at all…that’s why getting the Presidential Scholarship is so important to me (I’m OOS).</p>

<p>Do I have to be accepted to UA before I can apply for scholarships? For example, if I applied to UA on November 25th, could I then right away apply for scholarships in order to beat that December 1 deadline?</p>

<p>Why not apply now? You should be accepted early and have plenty of time to get the scholarship application in. I believe that you do have to be accepted before you can apply for scholarships.</p>

<p>You do not need to be accepted to apply for scholarships. You need to get a CWID number, which will be e-mailed to you a couple days after you apply, then you can go onto MyBama and apply for scholarships. You might even be able to get onto MyBama using your SSN before the CWID number comes. But why wait until November to apply? You can apply now. If you’re worried about your current SAT score, don’t - UA will look at your subsequent SAT scores for scholarships as long as you take it on or before the November testing date. Good luck!</p>

<p>Well, I guess the reason I haven’t applied yet is that if I am NOT successful in bumping up my SAT score to the 1400 needed for the Presidential, I won’t be able to afford to go to UA. There is no way I can afford OOS tuition rates. But I guess I can still apply anyway, right?</p>

<p>Yes, please apply. You will be glad you did. </p>

<p>Are you signing up to take the SAT and ACT?</p>

<p>I’m registered for the November SAT. I know I won’t do as well on the ACT because of the Science stuff…I’m already really familiar with the SAT and know I can do well. I almost got a perfect 800 reading score last time I took the SAT, I just need to bump up my Math a little, which I’ve been studying my brains out for. So I think I have the best chance with the SAT.</p>

<p>AZgrl … Great strategy. Get that SAT up and Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Arizonagirl: The science section on the ACT is really just reading. They give you info and a chart and you look for the answers. Check out the ACT. org site for a practice test. The main problem with ACT science is timing. Some students can’t finish that section. You are a grade reader judging by your near 800 score, so the science section shouldn’t put you off.</p>

<p>I wish you well! Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>UA Social Work is highly regarded. [University</a> of Alabama News U.S. News Ranks UA Law School 11th Among Public Law Schools, 32nd Overall; UA School of Social Work Ranked 28th Among Publics, 42nd Overall](<a href=“]University”></p>

<p>Math has always been challenging for me as well, but if I detach from the results, I often do better in Math on these standardized exams, than on anything else. Just practice, practice, practice, and then relax knowing you are doing your best. I have made huge gains from one test to the next after taking this advice.</p>

<p>You need to take the Oct SAT as well. You need to have 2 tries at getting the scores you need.</p>

<p>Don’t worry about the science in the ACT…it’s just reading the charts and answering the questions…you don’t need to know “science” stuff.</p>

<p>Yes…apply now…and submit the scholarship app.</p>

<p>Thank you Atlanta68! That makes me feel even more positive about UA Social Work! </p>

<p>While I love the Presidential Scholarship, it still leaves me to come up with about 10K a year for food, housing, misc. expenses like car, snacks, books, personal expenses, etc… I’m saving all I can to pay for this since I will not take on any debt, but any thoughts on how to pay for that using other scholarships, etc?</p>

<p>Arizona Girl, with your current excellent SAT composite, you qualify at least for the two-thirds tuition scholarship. Why not apply, secure that (it’s automatic once they receive your scores), and then work on raising those scores? If you reach the 1400 mark (which certainly seems well within reach for you), then the university will increase your scholarship accordingly. But, in the meantime, the two-thirds scholarship (forget what it’s called) will be a “bird in hand.” :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Congrats, welcome, and good luck!! (My DS was also home-schooled, BTW. As was son # 2, whom we hope to send to Bama in a few years.)</p>

<p>I really wish UA included the writing section in their scholarship decision…I scored 700 on that…math is my most difficult area!!! Ugh! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>LadyDianeski, I’m curious how the enrollment process went for your son as a home-schooler. I assume that Bama accepts transcripts from home schools? </p>

<p>Also, since I am starting college a few years later than the traditional student, do you think that will affect my college experience negatively as far as social activities, making friends, etc? I’ll be several years older than the average freshman.</p>

<p>*Arizona Girl, with your current excellent SAT composite, you qualify at least for the two-thirds tuition scholarship. *</p>

<p>Right now, her SAT is 10 points short of the 2/3 tuition scholarship. </p>

<p>Since you’re strong in the Writing section, that’s another reason to take the ACT. Get a practice book and look over the Science Reasoning sections.</p>

<p>You’ll be 21 when you’re a frosh. That’s not that much older. Some kids are 19 when they start college. You’ll have no problem making friends.</p>

<p>Do you have any AP credits?</p>

<p>Yes, I’m just 10 points short of the 2/3 scholarship. </p>

<p>mom2collegekids, thanks for the advice. I will get a practice ACT book and see how it looks to me. Perhaps I can do equally as well or better on the ACT! </p>

<p>No, I don’t have any AP credits.</p>

<p>Like I mentioned earlier…there are 4 exams that will count for scholarships. Sign up for all 4 if possible. The deadline for the Sept ACT may be soon or passed…check on that. They do allow kids to show up early and take the empty seats.</p>