NMF/NAF Package 2013-14 & Housing Question


<p>eleemosynary … WHAT?</p>

<p>thanks malanai! i was going to have to look that up!</p>

<p>Great message Malanai!</p>

<p>It has been fun to watch the search hits on Google for this word over the past few hours. (Yeah, I have little else to do, apparently…) It’s really going to start popping up everywhere, now. :)<br>
On SAT tests, to wit:<br>
eleemosynary : UA :: ? : ??
(fill in your own multiple choice answers here!)</p>

<p>except I think they dropped that part of the SAT test, aeromom. Which is too bad, it was the part I did best on!! </p>

<p>I am thinking we need to start a word of the day thread on CC…I would be more likely to read that than a desk calendar word of the day.</p>

<p>Yes! We could use a “word of the day” thread.</p>

<p>I know that I could also use a “football explanation of the day” thread. Even tho I’ve been a fan for most of my life, I still don’t understand some terms - especially some of the newer ones - that are being used (well, new to me…lol). Gee, just realized we’d need our NJ friend for much of the info. :(</p>

<p>eleemosynary : UA :: Putting in the 2nd string after we score 40+ against Michigan and lay a few slobber knocks on Denard Robinson : Saban</p>

<p>The word of the day is “lugubrious.”</p>

<p>Slobber knock: any hit that causes the person getting hit to slobber…could be offensive or defensive.</p>

<p>eleemosynary : UA
light packers : sorority girls</p>

<p>Can I just add that I am so happy my daughter is JUST a Presidential Scholarship Recipient (Not yet, I know) and I don’t have to “weigh in” on the NMF/NAF Scholarship debacle. My daughter has other options, and although we both love Alabama, we both agree that it would make the most sense to wait until March, when all the “offers” or “chips” are on the table to make decisions.</p>

<p>Lesson learned: Never count those chickens before they hatch . . .</p>

<p>my DD is “just” presidential, as well. still a great value for us.</p>

<p>^^^Mike, I’ve met your DD. She’s just fabulous.</p>

<p>haha. thanks, malanai! she is even more fabulous now! she has come out of her shell quite a bit and is almost nothing like she was when you met her! the good parts are still there and the not quite as good parts have subsided quite a lot. occasionally they rear their heads, but we manage to stuff them back down! : )</p>



<p>man, my mind went in a really bad direction with this …</p>

<p>^^^Hey, the Mother Ship wanted a “football explanation of the day.” I had no choice. :)</p>

<p>I noticed that Bama hasn’t updated the Presidential et al. for 2013-2014. Any chance they’ll move to a model like Huntsville, where the full ride will be reserved for the top scoring (34+ ACT)? In which case, the NMF would still have a chance at a full ride if their ACT/SAT is also on the higher end. </p>

<p>I also noticed that the engineering scholarship page shows four years of housing for NMF for 2013-2014? Wondering if this is an error or if engineering NMF can still get 4 years of housing. [Scholarships</a> - Undergraduate Students - The College of Engineering - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://eng.ua.edu/undergraduate/scholarships/]Scholarships”>Scholarships – College of Engineering | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>More than likely the engineering page just hasn’t been updated yet. It’s not the most reliable source for NMF scholarship info.</p>

<p>Eng’g needs to update their site. UA is the one who awards NMF scholarships, not Eng’g. That link is just including what UA offers as well…but it needs to be updated to include the latest change.</p>

<p>It’s highly unlikely that Bama will offer what UAH offers. UAH and UAB do not have anywhere close to the number of OOS students that Bama has. They offer those amounts in hopes to getting some OOS students…they only have like 10% OOS students, a number who are athletes. </p>

<p>I doubt the Presidential or the remaining unchanged offers will change. The NMF one changed due to housing space and likely cost issues.</p>

<p>I just came back from my vacation to Tuscaloosa and am still trying to process this news. What immediately comes to mind is:</p>

<li>Many of UA’s plans and debt structure work only if UA continues to grow (by small amounts) and improve or at least maintains the quality of its student body. </li>
<li>UA made the decision a few years ago to charge a premium for on-campus housing after many years of charging below-market rates. More students are moving off campus after their freshman year because of this.</li>
<li>Students in honors housing are currently guaranteed housing for four years as honors housing is considered a living-learning community.</li>
<li>For various reasons, some dorm rooms are kept open. Some of these rooms can be used for overflow. Unlike other schools, UA doesn’t put students in forced triples, convert lounges to bedrooms, or put students up in far-off hotels. For some first year students, an exemption from required on-campus housing due to overcrowding can save them hundreds of dollars.</li>
<li> Studies show measurable benefits to mandating on-campus housing and dining plans. There is also often a sizable financial incentive for the university.</li>
<li> Merit scholarships are used as a growth/recruitment tool and would likely be reduced/cut once a school reaches its desired status. UA is not there yet.</li>
<li>UA has money and could fund the scholarships by reducing other expenses, but is not doing so for various reasons.</li>
<li>UA is still an excellent school with great merit scholarships.</li>

<p>I readily admit that I first looked at UA because of the merit scholarships, but that the merit scholarships only comprise part of the financial aid needed by myself and many others to attend UA. Luckily, I also love UA and can’t picture myself at another university for my undergraduate education. This day in age, it is imperative that families research college options, discuss finances, and have the student apply to multiple schools as to have a variety of options. UA should still be one of these options.</p>

<p>I apologize for the lack of advance notice that the scholarships were changing and hope that UA will make everything right.</p>

<p>Finally, kept in mind all that UA has to offer and that UA still offers many student-friendly policies and programs that other schools have reduced or eliminated entirely, particularly those involving transfer credit, credit by examination, and the University Scholars program. </p>

<p>Roll Tide Everyone!</p>

<p>SEA_Tide: Great post! I have to add my two cents about the merit scholarships,as my daughter qualifies for the Presidential scholarship. The merit scholarships is how Alabama got on our radar, but definitely not the reason it remains in the top of my daughter’s list. Our visit was nothing short of amazing, with the individualized attention given to us by the honors college and others. Alabama was the last stop on a 4-college visit, and I will never forget my daughter’s request, following our visit, to see if we can set up an individualized meeting/tour at U of Michigan, “like we had at Alabama.” I said I would try, but knew that Alabama was definitely something special! We did a “large group” tour at several schools (including Bama and Michigan), and will definitely advise doing a non-large group tour/visit if possible.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>



<p>Wait what? So I can get accepted with full tuition and any year after they could change it to half if they wanted to?</p>