NMF Results Trickling In

<p>FYI …</p>

<p>For all those of you out there that are waiting to hear about National Merit Finalist status results, the notifications appear to be trickling in.</p>

<p>My D asked her counselor yesterday and was told that they were not in. Then later she was told that the results had gotten misfiled in the mail in the office and that, in fact, the results had arrived last week.</p>

<p>D made it to Finalist status.</p>

<p>Hopefully all those still waiting will also begin to receive the good news soon.</p>

<p>We heard on Saturday. The letter was addressed to my husband as “principal” of our home school, LOL. </p>

<p>DS did make it to Finalist. This does not seem to be helping him one whit with scholarships in our home state of NC. I think he will be Bama Bound by default. I do NOT mean that to diss Bama at all, but he was hoping to stay in-state. Doesn’t look as if that’s going to happen. </p>

<p>We were floating on air when he got his Finalist notification. Then he received yet another letter (from Appalachian, this time) informing him that he had not been invited to Scholarship Day, although there is still the possibility for merit aid, blah-blah. It’s starting to get old. I’m thinking we have home-school cooties, or something. </p>

<p>Thank God for the visionary Dr. Witt!!</p>

<p>Congrats to all that made finalist!!</p>

<p>Congrats to both!
LadyD, you could say that my D ended up at Bama “by default” in that we found it so late in the process and only after some very discouraging merit offers from elsewhere. It turns out to have been the best bit of luck all around. D is absolutely thriving on the UA campus and as a Mom I could not be happier. The NMF package is most generous, and frankly I can’t imagine D anywhere else at this point!</p>

<p>Now I am wondering, we have not heard anything from the school yet. What is the likelihood DS would not make finalist, does anyone know. He has 3.8/1500 SAT/great recommendations. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>KJmomof2 … I would do what we did. We had noticed via some online posts elsewhere of some people that had heard as early as last Friday. So my D just went and asked her counselor to check into it. The notification is supposed to go directly to the school. </p>

<p>Good luck. Since approximately 9 out of 10 make finalist, I’m sure you’ll get the answer your hoping for.</p>

<p>kjmom–if DS made it with 1390, your son will certainly make it with 1500!!! I would say it’s a sure bet!</p>

<p>timeflew–thanks so much!</p>

<p>“Accidents and inspiration lead us to our destination.”
–Mary Chapin Carpenter</p>

<p>Congrats to y’all! Regardless of default, San Andreas Fault, or their fault, you will love Bama. </p>

<p>Bring your inspiration and Roll Tide.</p>

<p>Thanks Lady D and Dad21 for the encouragement. I did send a note to the principal to see if they had received anything. Usually they are pretty good about telling us stuff but we did have 2 snowdays last week. I am on pins and needles but very hopeful.</p>

<p>LadyDianeski…re U of Alabama, my son to had no offers based on National Merit Semifinalist or finalist status in our state so we went to visit UofA Tuscaloosa and we all really liked it alot. If you have not visited you should. The campus is beautiful, the dorms are great, the people were all very nice and encouraging. I can’t imagine anyone being unhappy there, especially with the nice semifinalist and finalist packages they offer.</p>

<p>Congratulations to those students who made NMF! I am sure that you will be happy at Bama!</p>

<p>Dumb question: Where does one go from here? Does one write to the UA Scholarships Lady to let her know that one’s child is now an NMF? Or does one have NMSC send notification?</p>



<p>When I called admissions, I was told that they get a list of every NMF in the country and then check it against their applications.</p>

<p>Just remember to list UA as your chosen school with the National Merit people by the deadline. If you don’t list Bama you don’t get the full ride. As I recall the deadline was middle or late May. . .</p>

<p>Congrats on all the great news! All is takes is one good look and the decision comes easily… Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Thanks, y’all!!</p>

<p>Yeah! just got the news. He is a finalist. All that worry for nothing. The deadline for listing UA as first choice with National Merit is May 1, at least that is what our UA recruiter has said. You need to send in the yellow postcard, or I think there is some way to do it online if you did your National Merit application online. Will be doing that this week!!! Congratulations to all and thank you!</p>

<p>Yes, if you don’t notify the NMSF that Bama’s your #1 choice by the deadline you won’t receive the (very fine) laptop computer. Here’s a link to the form: <a href=“http://www.nationalmerit.org/Col_Ch_Mer.pdf[/url]”>http://www.nationalmerit.org/Col_Ch_Mer.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thank you malani, very helpful.</p>