NMF Results Trickling In

<p>D is Finalist in MO! Congrats to all :)</p>

<p>Waiting for letter for DD on finalist status. She is an early entrant to college, but would still like to see that letter. Homeschooler, so letter should arrive at home. Anyone else still waiting?</p>


<p>Still waiting here. I’m guessing the Principal has received the package but hasn’t opened his mail. We’ll probably get our notification at home before they open the packet at school. The packet is out there somewhere…</p>

<p>thanks for the update-still waiting in Memphis. Because of the homeschool status, I always wonder about the paperwork, but NMSC has been very helpful.</p>

<p>Probably won’t help financially, since she’s a college early entrant, but NMS will be very nice to have :)</p>

<p>2daughters: why wouldn’t it help? I’m not quite sure about what the college early entrant means.</p>

<p>Another home schooler! COOL!!</p>

<p>DS was just called into guidance and his GC gave him the good news that he’s a finalist. So it’s official… he’s Bama Bound!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!! :)</p>

<p>cruisefan–where in southern Maine are y’all? When we lived in Vermont, we used to vacation at Popham (sp??) Beach. LOOOOOOVED it!!</p>

<p>We are in Biddeford (between Portland and Kennebunkport).</p>

<p>I grew up in Central Maine and went to Popham more then a few times as a kid… Loved exploring Fort Popham. Haven’t been back in many many years though.</p>

<p>Congrats to all the finalists!!!</p>

<p>Our HS announced the names of the kids who moved on to finalist in today’s email so the schools should have the names by now. Don’t the letters direct to the kids arrive this week? I’m at work or I would pull my folder of college fun from last year ;)</p>

<p>Early entrant means she went away to college after her junior year–NMSC actually has a category on their application for “early entrants.” The national merit scholarship won’t help the bottom line because she’s already in college. But, she’d like to be a national merit scholar anyway:)</p>

<p>Oh…so your D is already in college? Wow…where did she go?</p>

<p>There is a freshmen student at Bama that did this…This was supposed to be her senior high school year, but she started at Bama in the fall. She was given the Presidential, but now that she’s been named a finalist, Bama has agreed to upgrade her scholarship to NMF.</p>

<p>D’s at Grove City College, got a 4.0 1st semester, so should help with NM–not in the mail today, either.</p>

<p>Does Bama send out an “official” scholarship offer now that NMF have been announced?</p>

<p>Yes, Bama does. You should get that soon.</p>

<p>DS will be glad to hear that he’s getting a confirming letter. We just got the NMF letters (lots of snow days here as well as Chicago, I guess), and he wants to be officially BamaBound. He’s already signed up for the Honors orientation session, and is looking forward to ‘booking’ a room during Honors housing selection in March. He isn’t having much luck finding prospective guys to room with on the facebook sites, though. Anyone know why there are so many more girls listed there than guys?</p>

<p>BTW, thanks to everyone for the Bama info. If it wasn’t for this site we wouldn’t have thought to visit… and once we visited DS moved it to the top of the list.</p>

<p>NMxCloud – I hate to sound sexist, but I think girls just tend to be more social and more extroverted (in a chatty kinda way) than guys. My older son is actually quite talkative in Real Life, but his Facebook presence is, well, rather minimalist, and I’ve never seen him actually write an email.</p>

<p>I scanned those Facebook roomie listings and was also struck by the disproportionate number of posts by girls. The guys are certainly out there – just not on FB roomie listings, LOL.</p>

<p>I am hoping and praying that DS can find Christian roommates – or at least roommates tolerant of Christians and, shall we say, interested in a quieter, more studious lifestyle. I’m not an anti-party mother hen (really I’m not :o), but I think 7-night-a-week partying may tend to adversely affect academic success in college. Among other things. :slight_smile: So, I’m hoping DS will end up with roomies who at least somewhat share his values.</p>

<p>I think as the room selection dates get closer, more boys will be using the FB roommate finder.</p>

<p>If your son wants to find roomies that don’t party every night, try to find engineer roomies. My kids have had good luck with engineer roomies.</p>

<p>Yes, an engineering Calvie preferably…</p>