NMF Results Trickling In

<p>Congratulations to your S, NMxCloudFX. I am sure he will be happy at Bama.</p>

<p>Good advice about getting fellow engineers as roommates. My D will be looking for engineering roommates. Any idea on how to do that? She doesn’t want to use facebook.</p>

<p>"BTW, thanks to everyone for the Bama info. If it wasn’t for this site we wouldn’t have thought to visit… and once we visited DS moved it to the top of the list. "</p>

<p>This was true for our family, as well. If not for CC and Mom2collegekids we would never have discovered Bama. Thank goodness we did :)</p>

<p>what’s a calvie?</p>

<p>i agree with trying to find roomies in harder majors.</p>

<p>according to my daughter, MANY of people party every night of the week. she just doesn’t get how they do that and keep up their grades. maybe they don’t.</p>

<p>kids know who party and assume that many are doing so. many are also not partying all the time evidenced by the deans list every semester.</p>


<p>Lady D referenced ‘calvie’ in one of her earlier posts. It was how she referred to some Calvinists (she is Catholic) in another post…</p>

<p>Loring, I was going to post a pic of Calvin and Hobbes, but you beat me to the response, LOL. :)</p>

<p>DS wanted to apply to Grove City College, BTW, because he is convinced that Calvinist kids are all super-smart and intellectual. I believe Grove City awards good merit aid, too. But it’s too darned cold way up there!! :D</p>

<p>I can’t get my son to even look at the site. He is on fb, but rarely posts anything. He is going to be an engineering major. I think he’s just happy he may get his own room. I am hoping he checks out the roommate finder sites pretty soon. Boys!</p>

<p>Yes, maybe the guys just aren’t as concerned yet. My son is also still savoring the thought of a room to himself.</p>

<p>Glad to hear engineer roomies are sought after (by non-7-day-a-week partiers, anyway), since DS will be in MechEng. He has a great sense of humor and likes to have fun, but he has no desire to endanger his full ride or his career prospects by neglecting his studies.</p>

<p>My older son has had a number of suitemates over the past 4 years. The only “frequent partier” suitemate he had was one who was a frosh who wasn’t a serious student…he didn’t return soph year. He had the oddest major…one I’ve never heard of…and I wasn’t even sure if it was a real major when he told me what it was…LOL</p>

<p>I need to provide an update to some incorrect information that I passed along earlier in this thread. After told over the phone by someone at UA that we didn’t need to send any kind of NMF confirmation to UA because the NMSC sent a list of finalist to all colleges, we had an email exchange with Betsy Escher from Undergraduate Scholarships and she informed us that UA doesn’t get finalist info from NMSC and we needed to FAX or mail confirmation of my son’s NMF status to UA. We faxed a copy of my son’s NMF certificate to her attention at 205-348-9046 a little over a week ago and received a letter from UA this past Saturday confirming his NMF scholarship offer.</p>

<p>I had posted about the above in another thread in the Financial Aid forum and wrongly thought that thread was where I had posted the incorrect information.</p>

<p>thanks…good info.</p>

<p>I have no memory of having sent NMF info to Bama for my son a few years ago. Maybe I did, but I have no memory of it. LOL</p>

<p>If I did send something, what would I have sent? A copy of his NMF letter from NMCorp? If so, I know I didn’t do that. </p>

<p>Frankly, I wonder if there isn’t some kind of confusion. I find it hard to believe that Bama doesn’t have the NMF list.</p>

<p>Weird. D’s school GC told us she had made NMF but we haven’t received any confirming paperwork from NMSC or High school. Guess I need to do a little digging.</p>

<p>We got a letter from NMSC saying our son was a NMF, and his high school got a NMF certificate naming my son. We faxed a copy of the certificate to UA. </p>

<p>I recently read elsewhere (I think in some other college’s info forwarded to my son) that NMSC doesn’t send finalist status to the Colleges. Bottom line for me is that we faxed the copy of the certificate and after about a week we received a letter from UA verifying the NMF scholarship offer.</p>

<p>nicollec…you can call NMCorp and ask about the paperwork. It sounds like the school rec’d their copy, but you didn’t receive your D’s.</p>

<p>Main Telephone: (847) 866-5100</p>

<p>They are very helpful on the phone.</p>

<p>as housing selection gets closer, keep us updated here. There may be spots open in some rooms with upperclassmen who wouldn’t mind sharing with incoming Freshman. It seems to be an advantage for those we know who were in mixed suites as far as having someone around who knows the ropes.</p>