<p>i just heard from a dean that the number of deposits Amherst received this year has already exceeded the size of the class it wants to fill (if i din remember wrongly, it’s 430 deposits for 428 places)… which basically means there’s virtually no hope for the waitlistees anymore… sigh.</p>
<p>Well yeah... too bad...</p>
<p>Good luck on Williams</p>
<p>Except for that small number who eventually get in off the wait list at [fill in school of your choice] and forfeit the Amherst deposit.</p>
<p>hmm, does that mean that they will be harsher trying to rescind admissions</p>
<p>I might end up with couple C+s or so, and I am scared they might use that as an excuse to take my admission away. Even though I think I had a good reason, and I was not "slacking off", but the welcome letter that I got made me scared...</p>
<p>thanks acceptance, u too... </p>
<p>unfortunately, i doubt many will forfeit an Amherst deposit for another school... even against HYP I think Amherst can hold its own...</p>
<p>Will they really rescind admissions? That would be horrible. People can end up no school in the end.</p>
<p>There is a paragraph in the enrollment confirmation letter about senioritis and how they had to rescind admissions in the past, although very rare. This scares me too..although I'm not falling apart, this is stressing me to do well in the freaking Biology 1 that I take with sophomores. Seriously, I couldn't care less if I had an opportunity to dissect a pig or not.</p>
<p>Hmm I really don't think colleges will rescind acceptances, unless in extreme cases... I mean, what will happen to the poor kid who got his admissions rescinded? Take a gap year? Attend a community college? It just doesn't seem very ethical for colleges to ruin someone's future like that just because he suddenly had an anomaly D on the transcript..</p>
<p>It isn't the college that ruins a kid's life - it's the kid who did not continue to work at the end. I don't believe dropping to a B will create a huge problem, but much more may. If you want to attend an elite school, you need to work to the bitter end, and show you are elite. Not fun, I know - all of us parents were graduating seniors, too. But we shouldn't blame the school for the kid's poor choices. There are still schools out there that still have room and are still accepting apps. There are schools with rolling admissions. All is not lost. And for many, a gap year is the best thing that could have happened for them. We make our choices and we live with the repercussions.</p>
<p>my friend got a D in his last semester and his admission was rescinded. he's attending community college now.</p>
<p>that sucks :( I went through my lazy period right around the time the acceptances were coming back, but so did almost everyone else at my school so the impact on my grades was minor :P</p>
<p>Off-topic! Bring out the +1 Bastard Sword of Trollslaying!</p>
<p>what is an hyp?</p>
<p>hyp=harvard, yale, princeton</p>
<p>Damn. my +1 mace cannot hold against your enchants.</p>
<p>"We have received your material. Unfortunately, it looks like we are not going to the waitlist this year.</p>
<p>Thank you for your interest."</p>
<p>*sigh. better luck for those thinking of transfers.</p>
<p>Juenatic when do you get this? My s is on the waitlist and he has not heard anything. Did you send something specific or was this a form letter?</p>
<p>i sent an email, indirectly asking them for an earlier waitlist reply, and this is the email amhest sent back. </p>
<p>it's not official-official, but it's as official as it can get. i received that email just yesterday.</p>
<p>Anybody else hear anything? Seems like many other colleges have either gone to their waitlist or have sent official notices that they are not going to be using the waitlist.</p>
<p>i lost all hope... until i received this letter from Amherst today to tell me that they r keeping me in "a very small, select summer waitlist in case any places in the class become available in the next month (june)" </p>
<p>the letter was dated 24 may but i only just received it today... it turned out that it was missent to malaysia and only just got routed back to singapore... i am supposed to reply by June 17 but I guess it's kinda late now. even if there were any available slots (an unlikely occurence in the first place i noe), it wld have gone to someone else... </p>