<p>no likely letter, does this mean, no letter ever?</p>
<p>No. Relax.</p>
<p>awww newby, cheer up. many people have been saying that people get in without likelies, and besides, they dont send it out to everyone, so keep your hopes up. i definitely would like one too though. and i cant even check my mailbox cuz i'm out of the country. but yea, in a few weeks, you'll be putting up a post with excitement saying i got in!!!!!!!:D</p>
<p>sorry to be morbid, but you asked "no letter ever?" -- of course not b/c you will get one of: acceptance, wait list, or (god forbid) rejection.</p>
<p>They send out 500 likely letters overall right?
Then another 400 ED?</p>
<p>So that is 900 spots filled. Don't they expect to accept 2000 overall?
I don't really know the stats...</p>
<p>A little over 1100 people will hear nothing until they get the congratulations letter on the 1st. Chill and send out some positive energy.</p>
<p>It's very easy to feel the way that newreborn does. I sure feel that way! CC is, in many ways, a curse and a blessing, and, in this instance, is a curse.</p>
<p>But worry about the situation is not going to change it either.</p>
<p>i agree with sybbie, but worry is something i can't help.</p>
<p>Yeah, dont worry about it, only a couple more weeks to wait!</p>