No PSAT scores yet? Commiserate here!

The other PSAT thread was up to 243 pages of people speculating about NMF cut-offs. I felt our problem was getting lost so I started a new thread.

D still has no scores for this year–only last year. She entered the same data this year as last year on test day, so I don’t buy the excuse CB is giving that the CB computers can’t match her 2015 test to her online account because of entering a different e-mail or whatever. In addition, before the PSAT she had also registered for the January SAT and the June SAT, so they have that information too. We have a very unusual last name, and to our knowledge no one in the US shares her full name.

She tried writing her GC to ask for an access code, but never received an answer back. As a parent, I am angry because she has no data to use to prepare for the SAT test in 2 weeks. She loses this weekend to target her weaknesses.

Don’t write. Pick up the phone and CALL them.

Who, the GC? Tried that. The voicemail message says the best way to reach them is by e-mail.

No scores for me either (MD). The funny thing is that most of my other classmates have received their scores already :frowning:

Sorry if you know this already, but I just wanted to mention that the format of the 2015 PSAT corresponds to the new (March and later) SAT and is quite different from what she will encounter at the SAT in January (last sitting of old format). Also your child won’t be able to superscore January and June SAT because they are two different formats. I don’t know if that changes your decision making at all.

At this point the access code should not be necessary to get her scores from the CB site. I read elsewhere that you should try logging out and logging back in again, FWIW. Good luck!

Still no scores. Thanks, mama, I did know that. In June she will be taking subject tests, so no superscore worries. As for the January SAT test, I would think the PSAT would still be helpful in pinpointing areas of weakness for her to focus on, eg. probability or sentence structure.

Just so you know, our principal (MD) sent an email on Friday that indicated the CB is staggering the release of scores to Howard County, MD high schools. Ours is in the last set to be scored, so we will receive scores later this week. To me this is very fishy behavior on the part of the CB; if they aren’t adjusting how tests are scored per state or county to create a desired distribution, then why weren’t they all scored at once and released together? Conspiracy-theory, maybe; but their behavior this year has certainly been less than above-board. Of any organization, they should understand the need to operate and communicate in a way that leaves no doubt about their integrity; on this point they have utterly failed.

Fishy indeed.

@TheGFG FWIW, I just sat down with my younger child who is taking the SAT in January to qualify for an academic enrichment program. I was surprised how different it was from the PSAT that my older daughter just took in October. Your child might be better served taking a practice SAT under the old format in order to identify areas of strength or weakness. Personally, I though that the new format was much more challenging and less vulnerable to tricks, strategies, or otherwise “gaming” the test than the old format. It will be interesting to see how the distribution compares under the new test starting in March.

Good luck; I hope those scores show up soon! I can only imagine your frustration!


I’ve heard from several other homeschoolers that they haven’t gotten their test scores yet either - when the call they are told to enter the code, when they say they don’t have the code, they are told to get it from their GC, when they say they are homeschooled they are told to wait until the end of January for the paper scores to be mailed. :open_mouth:

I believe this is unfair and have asked the HSDLA to look into this practice, I know it won’t help for this year but they need to do things differently in the future!

In our case my sons took the test in a district testing facility for homeschooler and someone reported a “testing irregularity” so ALL scores are being held until the investigation is complete. As of Friday they hadn’t even started to look into it - what they heck have they been doing for the last three months???

I am going to find it hard to trust this year’s outcomes now. Since CB has already had bad press recently, I suspect they will do anything to cover up any problems with the PSAT, which could hurt a lot of students.

I’ve voiced my displeasures on the other discussion thread, but I’ll post here too. No scores, GC’s have no idea about codes and are just waiting for the mail reports, CB has yet to email me (I’ve tried all those logging & update tricks already), and I’m a student in SoCal. It’s weird because other students in my classes have had their scores posted, it seems as if CB randomized who has access to their scores or whatnot. I have no idea what CB is up to, for all we know it’s just a publicity stunt trying to direct everyone’s attention from the ACT. It also seems that an unusual amount of students have scored in the 99th percentile; NMSF material. If CB caps at 16,000 NMSF how are they going to deal with all the high achieving students? NMSF status can be the difference whether one student is able to attend a dreamschool or not; I’d hate that oppurtunity for anyone (myself included if by miracle am in the running for it) to be destroyed because CB has to “pick and choose” on some bogus scale who gets the status or not.

I just purchased my Power Ball tickets, I had planed to play my sons’ PSAT scores but they still aren’t available to me yet. If their scores turn out to be the winning numbers to you think I’ll have legal action against the College Board;-)

Kidding of course!

No score here either CT. Very frustrating!

STILL no scores. Praying they come out today cause I heard collegeboard isnt much help through the phone

GCs or your school testing coordinator can log on and get the scores and codes on-line. They will be in excel format ( spread sheet is hughe and there is a lot of data). The paper score sheets will not be available until Jan 29.

Thanks, sybbie. I have a call in to the GC, but got voicemail again.

Loudoun County, Virginia here. My 11th grade son’s scores still aren’t there. The only scores showing up on his account are from 2012, 2013, 2014. I’ve tried logging in and out. I tried calling the CB phone line multiple times last week but only ever got a pre-recorded message.

Our GC said the CB only sent the school access codes for the 9th graders and their calls and emails to the CB have gotten them nowhere except being told to wait for the paper reports at the end of January.

My son has taken the SAT twice (last May & October) and he’s signed up for the March SAT. His email address and name are in their system. We’re extremely frustrated!

ETA: My 9th grader’s scores showed up in her account with no issues.

I posted this in the Parent Forum, but I will add it here also.

No scores yet for my D’s school. Along with all the anxiety being created, the students have launched their own theory: They are hoping that the number of high scorers has gone from 6 last year to something like over 30 this year. Because of this anomaly the CB suspects wide spread cheating and will re-test the whole school. The students will then re-test even higher and be vindicated, just like in the movie Stand and Deliver.