Also said if a student tries to access their report and alters anything that was used before - it won’t work. Supposedly the webinar was archived and will be available online but not sure who all may access it.
@CA1542, thanks! Good to know.
@CA1543 That’s exactly the opposite of what happened to me. We accessed the account, no scores. Then updated the address (it was blank) and the scores appeared. They really don’t know what they are doing.
@mamma1st What you really need to do is talk to their IT department and figure out why the matcher doesn’t work. What I don’t understand is WHY the CS reps can’t just email you the scores if they see there are scores associated with your account. I’m guessing the scores are on one system and the CS reps have only the online system that we see, and not the core system that stores the scores.
When will your school have the test booklet? Another parent said they had the booklet already… Perhaps once you get he booklet you can see the student info page and try to figure out why its not matching.
@suzyQ7 According to every single person I speak with at the CB my case has been escalated to the IT department and someone will call me back. But no one ever calls me. The representative yesterday promised I would receive a call no later than the end of business yesterday. I never received that call! Our guidance department says they won’t have anything to pass out until February.
I invite you to see the recenttly posted article that refers to this CC thread:
Wow, that article makes me FURIOUS! The comments quoted below make it seem that those of us who have not been able to access scores are just “confused.” College Board is implying we simpletons just didn’t understand the directions well enough:
“Riley and other College Board officials say that scores are available online but that new protocols for accessing them have confused some counselors and students. But some say that scores do not seem to be available to some schools, that instructions for obtaining those that are available are confusing and that it can be difficult getting help from College Board representatives.”
“Stacy Caldwell, vice president for the SAT and PSAT/NMSQT, said in an interview that the College Board had sent repeated emails to counselors to explain the new access rules and held many workshops as well as webinars but that “in hindsight” could have labeled data files better and made access easier.”
Sure, and the GC’s are stupid too, and couldn’t understand the access rules. GRRRRRRRR!
@mamma1st and @TheGFG When you call again Tuesday, I suggest you have them conference in Stacy Caldwell so she can make it less confusing for you. Lol. I am glad the media is finally picking up the story.
It’s been more than a week since I was escalated, and I’ve heard nothing. Did anyone get scores today?
No scores yet here either. So much for having my case escalated. It will be 2 weeks on Thursday since they released scores. I’ll probably end up calling again today if I can find the time. I don’t know what I expect to get out of the phone call, though.
Has anyone asked to speak to someone in the IT Department? Is that where our case has been sent? The people answering the phones can see there are scores associated with the account, but just like me, they can’t access the scores.
Well, I waited on hold for 30+ minutes. I spoke to someone that basically said, yes, your case was escalated. I’m sorry no one has gotten back to you. I’ll make a note that you’ve called again. If you don’t hear anything by Thursday, try calling us back again. So that went nowhere.
Okay, so I just got a reply to my Twitter DM.
“Sorry, we don’t have the specifics of his delay but scores may be released later for reasons that include a late receipt of answer sheets, missing/inconsistent information, irregularities on test day, etc. Your son’s PSAT Coordinator should have more information as the delay affects all students at his school.”
I’ve been trying for 2 weeks to get information out of our school but I keep being told they are trying to work with the CB and the CB isn’t being very helpful. So I really am nowhere at this point! And the thing that doesn’t add up for me is I was able to create and log into an account for my 9th grader and her scores popped right up! No issues, so obviously it’s not a delay affecting all students at our school.
No score either. I asked about the escalated case. The rep said that the case manager would call me today, really? So our status is: only see the 2014 score and the access code does not work.
I have been trying to call, and can’t even get them to pick up.
GC just told me no one in the school has scores, so the line CB gave me on the phone was a lie. They had said D didn’t fill in some personal information on her test sheet.
I feel like all I can do at this point is complain to you all, lol. No one else seems to care that I can’t access my son’s scores. I hope my son’s school actually receives a hard copy of the report by early February like they are promising.
I care and I am checking in on this thread daily. I was able to log right in and get my S18’s scores. But what if I can’t do that next year? I will call you all for bail money.
I really believe that it is time for some changes in leadership at the College Board. There has been one fiasco after another and they don’t seem to care. Once you get your scores, you can join in with the rest of the frustrated souls trying to make sense out of the new and improved score reports.
Whatever irregularities there are, it seems like 4 months is enough time to figure it out.
@mamma1st I check in every day to see if anything has changed for you. They are complete fools at the CB. This thing about ‘I can see scores are associated with your account but can’t get to them’ is stupid.
The real problem is that the IT people at the CB are so busy with the 50,000 changes they’ve made to their process (website, score delivery for SAT and PSAT, new SAT coding, concordance coding, etc…) that there are not enough warm bodies to do this ‘debugging’ work. There is a HUGE undertaking with tons of press coming - its called the new SAT. The PSAT is not a top priority right now. I wish they got more bad press on this.
When it rains, it pours. The CB website has been down for nearly 24 hours. Students can’t log on to their account to print admission ticket. What a mess! Our test center most likely will be closed on Sat due to snow, but I feel the anxiety of those who desperately need to print a copy of the admission ticket, especially those in Asia who are 12+ hours ahead of us. Hope the CB site will be back up soon.
I am guessing our “escalated cases” are further delayed since no one, even the CB, has access to the system.
I still haven’t gotten a call back from the CB. The people that answer the phones and respond to emails have been promising me a call for 2 weeks now. I couldn’t even log into my son’s account this morning. I kept getting a wrong username/password message. I was hoping that meant someone was adding his scores, but nope. I was able to log in just now and it’s still only showing me his past PSAT scores.
My son’s girlfriend is supposed to take the SAT on Saturday. But we’re under a blizzard watch and the last map I saw shows us getting 20-30" of snow. She’s freaking out because she thinks she has to take the SAT in a blizzard. I told her no, they’ll reschedule it!