No scholarship...

<p>Miami is my #1 school and always has been. I was beyond excited to get accepted. I have a pretty high GPA (don't know exactly) but my test scores are what kill me. So all in all, I didn't get a scholarship.</p>

<p>Any advice on how I'm going to pay my way into UM? My family won't qualify for financial aid or any need-based grants, but does anyone know if they send out any gift aid or merit grants later on? I applied for bright futures but that hardly covers a sliver of the tuition.</p>


<p>i am in the EXACT same position. Basically what happens is they wait to see who actually enrolls at UM and the scholarships given to those that don’t actually attend are then distributed to those that are attending. The down side is you still wont get as much money and it will also be after you already commit to the school. It is kind of a leap of faith but probably well worth it. While i was visiting the school i talked with the admissions people and they said the majority of students get jobs right after graduation (i actually know quite a few) and the Engineering program ensures that if you don’t get a job with X amount of time after graduation they will pay for your Grad school. All in all Miami is an amazing place to make connections so paying off loans after your time there may not be as terrible as you think and there is still a definite chance you will get some money!</p>

<p>I have a 33 ACT and 90/100 unweighted GPA and I got no scholarships at all :frowning: Were all scholarship awards really sent with the acceptance packages? Will Miami send another wave of scholarships anytime soon?</p>

<p>Smoothie, give 'em a call to make sure there’s no mistake. Unless you have absolutely no EC’s or aren’t ranked very well in your class, or wrote one line for your essay, I’d be surprised if they didn’t make a mistake.</p>

<p>Well, I have alot of well-rounded ECs with a leadership theme, spent alot of time crafting my essay, took 7 AP classes, and rank in the top 20% at the very least at a competitive independent school. So yes, I will give them a call.</p>

<p>Rankir, so it sounds like all scholarship offers were sent with acceptances?</p>

<p>@Rice: Yes scholarship info was sent in the acceptance folder. It looks like a certificate that says University of Miami on top. I had twin sons apply. Happily both sons were accepted. Unfortunately, only one received scholarship. The other had similar scores to mspears8.</p>

<p>Rank is the number one factor for UM scholarships.</p>

<p>That top 20% killed your chances.</p>

<p>jcold, mind giving me a link to where it says that class rank is the number one factor? My school doesn’t rank. I just included that to give context.</p>

<p>S is in top 11%. 4.3, 11 AP and Honors classes. Tons of ECs, Golf team captain, volunteer work, yada yada. No scholly. Only school so far that hasn’t offered him one.</p>

<p>I’ve heard that rank does play a large part in scholarships, too. Though my school didn’t rank and I got a scholarship (perhaps that’s why I got a scholarship, though). Still, please give them a call, and let everyone here know what they say. Hopefully it’s a mistake.</p>

<p>Rankinr, what rank are they looking for usually? I am in the top 3.8% currently (13 out of 350), and if that rank holds, what are my chances for admission? By the way, I have a 4.0 UW and a 5.46 W GPA, and SAT scores that will be around a 2200-2300 most likely (taking them in March).</p>

<p>I’ll report what happens on here after I make the call. I’m waiting for my college counselor to reply to my email so she can help me figure out the best way for me to facilitate discussion with the admissions rep.</p>

<p>obviously rank isn’t too terribly important, since I am ranked 1/26 and got no scholarship :(</p>

<p>im surprised miami hasnt given any scholarships to you guys. my gpa wasnt that great (4.2 weighted, 3.5 unweighted), my ACT was a 34 superscore. Although I was ranked the 10.5 % or so Im not sure why I received the University Scholarship. A lot of ur stats look just as good as mine if not better.</p>

<p>No scholarship with 3.86 unweighted, ACT 31, SAT 1390, top 15%</p>

<p>You have to remember that Miami (and most schools) are trying to have a diverse student body. What I think they probably do is to look at students by major, geography, demographic (race, etc.) and offer scholarships to the top students in each subgroup. How they group students, I have no idea. Maybe they, for example, have a lot of top students all trying to get into the Rosensteil Marine school. Well they are not going to give a large amount of their scholarships to just that group. They want to spread the funds around. They might take the top 10% of applicants for each major. So that would account for the difference in the stats for students.</p>

<p>They didn’t have much to say besides that “all merit scholarships have been awarded.” This is frustrating. My college counselor is always cautious of getting my hopes up but this time she was sure that I was going to be awarded a scholarship.</p>

<p>They may look at rank, but it’s relative to the quality of the high school. There’s a lot of private schools that don’t rank, so clearly they look at many variables. These admissions people really get to know the quality of the high schools and then look at GPA, rank, scores, etc.</p>

<p>hmmm. my offspring had 31 act, IB diploma, 3.9 unweighted, top 2%. from flyover country, got in and $20k/yr. I’m thinking it’s the combination of all…though some of you guys seem like GREAT candidates for $$. Hang in.</p>