Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

I don’t know if legacy is considered for admissions, but I did receive an email and a change of councillor for my son due to legacy (his great grandfather got his JD from NEU back in the 1930s). And I received an email about a special councillor due to his being legacy. Then it was changed back to the original with no notice, perhaps because they decided a great grandfather is too far removed :smiley:


Good points! I was almost glad that my son decided to just be happy with his 1450 and not push to take over and over until it was in the 1500’s because I’ve seen more kids in the 1400’s get into the Northeastern and Case Western than tippy top students lately (likely due to the obsession with yield.) Having said that, I don’t have any hard data, just subjective narratives so who knows? I agree the essay is super important and I am glad they actually seem to take the time to read them.


Good luck to all of the ED candidates, hoping you hear tonight! When you get the news, please post the decision, stats and background if you can.


I don’t think NEU is remarkable and consider it on the same level as any other solid college with a robust internship program. It’s placement statistics are only slightly better (97% vs 91%) than those of the large flagship I attended. And graduates from my alma mater get those sought after jobs too because those companies are in the area and students can and do intern with them: Google, Microsoft, Deloitte, IBM, Lockheed, Ball Aerospace, and the list goes on.

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Deferral from ED is always to RD.


Out of curiosity, is you student applying to Northeastern this cycle. You do not have a very high opinion of the school.

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When do you think decisions for ED will come out?

As a grad (92 A&S), 99 Law, I could not disagree more.


Possibly today from 7-8 ET

Thats what i think but a little worried it wont be. Im set on it being tonight =

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I really hope it’s tonight, I just want the stress of the unknown to be over and my brain has been set on it being tonight as well.

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Has anyone had any luck asking admissions about the release date? They just have a recorded message when you try to call.

If you did reach a live person all they would say if “by December 15th”.

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Do they not give an advance heads up? What has been the case historically?

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This has been explained over and over and over in here the past couple of days. There is NO ADDITIONAL info to be had. Based on the past 3 years, the info SHOULD come tonight around 7-8pm Boston time. If it does not, then it will come by Dec 15 as the admissions portal says. Sit tight and wait like the rest of us and don’t bother the very busy admissions people who will tell you “by Dec 15”. We will know in 4-5 hours one way or the other.


Many other colleges give advance notice. I know there is no info for this year.

They did give advance notice. By Dec 15. They update their Twitter page shortly AFTER the decisions have been released.

You will likely hear from right here first when they go out. I will be watching this thread and told my son to be standing by the phone around 7pm and ready to log in so he can see his decision first.

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Like rod said. Never advanced notice bur based on recent pattern it should be tonight 7-8. Could be next week for all we know.

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