Northeastern University Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

where else did he apply?

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Thank you. To be clear, the deferral itself didn’t bother her (or me) at all. It’s that they were willing to admit her right away if she committed - which means she clearly qualified for admission but they didn’t want to let her in without commitment. If they were worried about too high a yield they could afford to let it drop a bit by admitting uncommitted students, so the move was counter-intuitive.
She was also very put off by them trying to get her GC to convince her to commit.


Yes that would bother us too. Did they give you the full financial package at that point to assist in the decision at least?

My son applied EA so his chances of admission are obviously lower that ED candidates, but feeling good that some of you submitted scores in the 1400’s and got in. My son submitted his 1450 (750 math, 700 reading) but keeps second guessing himself. Even if he doesn’t get in, I think it was the right decision. Personally I think anyone in the 1400’s should be proud! When viewed with his other strengths, I hope it’s seen as a positive or at least a neutral factor :crossed_fingers: Congrats to all of you getting acceptances, even if it’s not into your top choice program. That’s amazing! And if things didn’t work out for Northeastern for some of you, there is a wonderful college out there waiting for you and excited to welcome you!


We didn’t apply for aid since we didn’t qualify.

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DD accepted Boston campus, undecided
GPA 97.4 UW
School doesn’t rank
SAT 1350 did not submit
6 AP, all 4s
Very strong EC (class president, editor in chief, etc)
Academic awards


Just fyi Global scholars is new this year.

Quick update. The portal finally updated and she got the official acceptance letter for NUin!


QR Code for Parents page on FB.


Not counterintuitive, but I understand not liking the pressure tactic. But they were trying to know pretty close to exact numbers of their lower sized class last year. So had she been willing to commit right then and there, that would have been one spot committed and filled. Otherwise they were going to just defer her to RD. Clearly she was qualified, but they needed to fill a certain number of seats from ED and committed EA it seems. They actually came within a small margin of what they were telling people in admissions events last year (and reported here.) they achieved their goal
 but I can understand that it left a bad taste.

I bet they’ll still be closely managing their yield this year but likely not as heavily bc that high yield class will have many moving off campus for third year. But from reports, it’s had a lot of impacts on housing, classes, advising, etc. my second D graduated MS this past May and said it was the most crowded it’s been in 6 years on campus (but it didn’t directly affect her being 6th year.)


Northeastern accepted 10 kids from my grade ED. Oml


If you don’t mind sharing, what state and type of school. Size?

Yes, that a turn off. Instead of applying pressure to ED, they could just chose to extend an EA acceptance based simply on a student’s application and allow them the freedom and time to choose.


Just in case someone knows the answer
. Under Financial Aid it says she indicated she was interested in financial aid & to submit the CSS Profile. She actually said she was not as we will not qualify. She was just checking to see if she happened to get anything merit based. If that isn’t mentioned should we assume she doesn’t? I know she can contact the school but since others may have the same question I thought I’d check here first.

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I got a merit scholarship and there is a separate scholarships button underneath the financial aid button if you received a scholarship.

Northeastern, and most colleges, are looking for students who want to go there, either as their first choice or a close second. They do not want students looking for a safety acceptance. For those students, if their preferred schools do not come through and they “end up” at their safety many will try to transfer up or end up staying and being disgruntled. It is no different than the Ivies who try to “craft” a class based on what they feel will make a good community.


Then simply don’t offer EA as an option. As simple as that.

Also, they say no essay but anecdotally it looks like they like to see “why us” essays sent to the AOs. Kids who sent these in seem to fare better. Again - just be up front about it. If you want to see why a kid wants to come to NEU, whether it’s really a top choice, etc. - just ask for an essay!

My point in all this is not to say NEU is a bad school. In fact I’ve said above and in other posts that they’re a good school and they shouldn’t need to do all this. They could just keep things on the up and up and still get tons of applications, and committed kids.


Well said

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Well my daughter is in and of course that’s fantastic. But I think that I royally dropped the ball. I didn’t send in the CSS or FAFSA. I didn’t realize that if she applied ED1, I also needed to FAFSA ED1. In my defense, she’s my oldest and I don’t know what I’m doing :grinning: Before I call the school (which I am sure are swamped right now) Does anybody know if I completely missed out on receiving any aid?

So can we send an essay if not asked for? Where was this supposed to be sent in common app?

Will those who have not send be at a disadvantage?