Not Sure What to Major in

Im currently a freshman in college and my current major is Bussiness Administration. I really want to go to dental school but I am not sure what is best, if i should major in BA or some type of science major. I need help, I feel like time is running out and I want to make sure I’m taking the right classes. Also I’m in community college, if I start taking my pre requisites will they transfer ?

Though most dental school applicants tend to major in a science, you can major in most any field as long as you meet the pre-dental admission requirements (usually 2 semesters each of general biology, general chemistry, general physics, and English. Some schools have additional requirements, e.g., a semester course in biochemistry and/or microbiology, so check the specific requirements for the particular schools to which you anticipate you will apply. The websites of the American Dental Association or the American Student Dental Association can provide additional information. Depending on your particular program, a business major may or may not allow enough outside the major to meet these requirements easily. Also, it take at least two years to complete the chemistry courses and you might not want to double up on science courses in the same year, so the sooner you start the better.