Notre Dame 2027 Waitlist

congrats! Hoping for similar news in the coming days :smiley:

Hi, does anyone know if I can delay a gateway program admission by a year?

Did anyone who got off the waitlist last week receive their financial aid package or their welcome package in the mail yet?

Hi, does anyone know if I can delay a gateway program admission by a year?

We had more movement in our area last week, and oddly they are all (including the one I previously mentioned weeks ago) from the same small school. This school doesn’t typically send anyone to ND consistently (maybe 1 every few years) and all of a sudden this year they have 2-3% going after waitlist admissions. I find that rather surprising.


Has anyone gotten off this week? Or was it just last week on Thursday and Friday? Also, for people who got off, how did they let you know?

I checked my portal no email and I got in


When was this?

Like a couple hours ago

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Oh is this the gateway program you got into? What major?

Is this for Gateway or ND? Believe you would have to get approval from both in order to do so

Are you full pay?

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na got a email now

How much aid did you get?

Anyone get a call this week?

Curious about the Gateway offer process. I’ve seen people commenting back to as far as January being offered a spot to Gateway. I assumed (incorrectly, apparently) they would exhaust their waitlist options to fill the class, then offer Gateway slots. It seems like Gateway is sometimes offered instead of a spot on the waitlist? Am I mistaken? Just sort of curious why some wouldn’t qualify for the waitlist but would for the program outright.

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It seems that some applicants are offered a spot in the gateway program immediately. Only a ND admissions officer would be qualified to elaborate on the decision process.

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Also curious if anybody has gotten the “sorry you weren’t selected from the waitlist” message yet. Or if those all come out after May 15th.

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Has anybody heard today?

hi, it’s the 15th…. should we expect a “sorry not selected” email today?

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