Notre Dame 2027 Waitlist

wondering the same thing

Has anyone gotten the email?

Yes. I got, something like, we are done selecting from the waitlist and waiting for the ones offered spots to confirm. Shud there be any spots we will review your application again.

When did you get this mail ?

My son. still hasn’t heard anything and his portal still shows the message about “thanks for indicating you’d like to stay on our waitlist, most will hear back between May 3-15th…”. I wonder if it’s 1. By program (so, maybe all of the Mendoza school is full so they sent the business prospects an email indicating it was full) or 2. By counselor. Maybe some admissions counselors were just quicker on the draw.

Or maybe now they’re rounding out their Gateway class and some who haven’t heard either way are in the running for that? Dunno, just speculating.

Regardless, congrats to those who got in and best of luck where you do end up! Anybody else headed to Villanova by chance?

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My daughter applied to Mendoza and hasn’t heard anything. I’m wondering if it is based on the region… any other updates?

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same! business major located in GR, MI and hasn’t heard back.

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We are in upstate NY

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I just called the admissions about the waitlist status and they told me am still on the waitlist and any updates will be emailed to me so am not sure about the dates they provided anymore


Yesterday afternoon

What major and where are you located, if you don’t mind me asking?

I don’t know the answer about ND but from our experience at Villanova it was quick turnaround. Offered on the 1st, deadline of the 5th at noon to deposit. I suspect Notre Dame would be equally fast. Our financial aid package was available within a day of the offer at Villanova.

Did anybody else get a “sorry we are done selecting from the waitlist” email?

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Did you get one?

No, I still haven’t heard anything

Just note that there is only 1 poster on this thread who claims to have received an email about Notre Dame’s waitlist. Nor could I find a single recent post on the Notre Dame redd!t site about any emails pertaining to this year’s waitlist.

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my daughter hasnt received an update yet either way.

Waitlist Information said you would get a notice either way by June 15th. The kids taken off waitlist had until May 15th to respond.

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Just curious but did you see that info? My son’s portal says most can expect to get a final status update between May 3-15. It says nothing about June 15th.

June 15th is way too far what about those people that haven’t paid their housing hoping to get in then they don’t and they don’t get housing for the college they committed to because of this. They should just stick to their words at this point and tell us if we got in or not :frowning: