<p>So....when do we hear about getting into the honors program???? I really want in...study abroad opportunities, living in Kenan, etc.</p>
<p>Does anyone know when they tell us if we got accepted????</p>
<p>P.S. - Congrats to all who were accepted today. To those deferred, DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE!!!!!! To those rejected, it is NOT the end of the world; you can go to any college and screw around, you can go to any college and get a fan-freakin-tastic education. A side note - three of my best friends were deferred today, and each was an exemplary applicant. It was a complete shock to me. I sat for an hour after they told me in disbelief. Let this be a consolation to those in the same boat. Amazing, totally qualified applicants were deferred or turned away today, so it makes YOU no less of a person or a scholar if you didn't get in.</p>
<p>I’m sorry but it sounds a bit hypocritical coming from you…like the tone, is very fake…
U sat in disbelief for an hour? What a load of ********.</p>
<p>skitter, I’m interested in the Honors Program as well. I checked their website and all I found was that they let 200 accepted students know in the spring. Maybe that means on March 20th , with the regular decision results?</p>
<p>Well, bigweight, I hope I DON’T see you there. Yes I did sit in disbelief for a very long time, and I cried. Maybe you don’t know what it’s like to have good friends who are very upset because their dreams are crushed. One of my friends won’t even talk to me right now because I got in and she didn’t. Have you ever heard of empathy? Compassion?</p>
<p>yea that is pretty harsh. i know if my best friend wanted to come and got deferred i would be very upset…but hang in there skitter, a lot of deferred applicants do get accepted because they are usually more qualified than RD applicants</p>
<p>just so you guys know - anyone can graduate with honors, and i think most anyone can enroll in honors classes. i think they just get dibs. thats what i heard on the tour there. you just have to write an honors thesis and get a pretty good GPA.</p>
<p>oh ok. I have a friend in the hp, and I just know that she lives in a really nice dorm! haha! But as long as I get to have good profs and a good study abroad experience, I’m fine.</p>
<p>Honors Program invites are usually sent it out in several batches. I was accepted early and didn’t receive mine until late March. Like someone above said though, any UNC student can theoretically take honors classes, but honors program students get registration priority. Practically speaking though, this usually means that only honors program students get to take honors classes, since they are usually small classes with great professors that fill up very quickly. Graduating “with honors” has nothing to do with the Honors Program–all it means is that you wrote a thesis. Students who spend three years in the Honors Program who don’t write a thesis will not graduate with honors while those who never take an honors class but do write a thesis will. Also keep in mind that you can always apply to the Honors Program during your freshman year, and I think the success rate is usually pretty decent.</p>
<p>Honors doesn’t mean you get dibs on Kenan. Sorry, good try though, haha.</p>
<p>Honors housing is in Cobb, which is pretty nice too.</p>
<p>Honors can be good or bad. Yes you get smaller classes, but it can be hard to stay in the program for 4 years straight. You need to take 2 honors classes a year to remain in the program. Sometimes none will fit your schedule, or your major requirements don’t exactly fit with the honors classes offered in a given semester.</p>
<p>That being said, I loved my honors classes. So as they say here, use the Honors program when it’s good for you, but don’t feel obligated to be attached to it. Anyone can join honors (with the right GPA) after the 1st semester, so no worries.</p>
<p>You may not find out if you get into the Honors Program until March.</p>
<p>Even if you do not get into the Honors Program before your freshman year, you have two more chances to apply, once after your first semester and again after your second semester. The application for those isn’t much though, so I am guessing that it is very arbitrary. It comes down to a 250 word essay, a professor recommendation, and probably your grades in college so far.</p>