NSLI-y 2021-2022

The questions were not based on anything in her application; in fact, the interviewer did not know anything about her. The questions were pretty canned - they were from lists that you can find in a lot of places online in NSLI-Y blogs - stuff like, “Tell me about a time you displayed leadership qualities.”

You are not required to know any of your target language, so no expectations of speaking in that language.

Has anyone been asked for a copy of their passport? The website says “Semi-finalists should be prepared to submit passport information in late February upon request.” I would assume it’s a good sign if they’ve requested it.

You are asked to submit a copy of your passport within 1-2 weeks of your finalist notification, so NSLI-Y says tells semi-finalists to have the necessary materials ready by late February. This was the time frame pre-COVID when the first round of acceptances usually come out.

When do NSLI-Y Russia summer notifications come out? Does anybody know?

Anytime between now and April 23

Summer interview notifs already came out. Finalist interviews by April 23rd, likely sooner.

i was emailed saying that i will be having an interview and that someone will contact me to schedule it back on feb 12th. no one has contacted me yet so should i be concerned or is this normal? (i’m a freshman so i don’t really know how this works)

I would try to reach out to NSLI-Y because I think that they are starting to choose finalists now, but that’s just my guess.

Same for me. I’d hope that it’s fine because they said in an email to not worry if you don’t get a date right away. But at the same time, I can’t be too sure

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I think that if I don’t hear anything by Friday I’ll reach out to nsliy or AFS, I’ll let you know what happens!

Alright! Thank you

Does anyone have any guesses when the first finalist notifications will come out?

I am a Russian summer semi-finalist and was notified about qualifying for an interview on February 1st, but I still have not gotten an email for it yet. I emailed them the 2nd of March and they said that they were going to reach out to my region to see what was taking so long, but still no email on my interview date

i would guess that finalist notifs come out after all interview dates so since zvp2004 hasn’t gotten their interview, i don’t think finalist notifs are coming soon.

…unless they do it by language, but do they?

also just curious, do you guys think the program is going to be in-person?
personally i think it’ll be virtual but fingers crossed it’s not

I think that because CLS, also run by American Councils, went mostly virtual, it seems likely NSLIY will too, although I also hope they go in-person.

my interviewer said they hope for late march early april, but latest is april 23rd

it really depends on location. for example taiwan has no alerts on the NSLIY site but mainland china says “reconsider travel”. hopefully they do it langguage by language

Yep. Also China’s level is not related to COVID-19, but

“arbitrary enforcement of local laws”

oh awesome thats good. and hopefully it gets better day by day too. i know they approved the AY travel to china/taiwan so I had assumed thhey would do the same for summer