NYU Scholarships?

<p>My only shot at going to NYU is through scholarships. I know I have 0% chance at financial aid, and I heard NYU is really stingy as far as both financial aid and scholarships. Do a lot of people get scholarships or grants? I don't know how people can afford 42k a year without either unless they are rich.</p>

<p>About 12% of NYU students get merit awards with the average grant being about $6000. The kids I know who have gotten money from them, however, tend to be ivy material with very high stats and some other desirable hook, and they have tended to get some very nice awards. You can look up their awards and find out what kind of kids have been getting those biggies, and see where you measure up.</p>

<p>It is a tough go to afford NYU. S's good friend is going there and paying full freight. He had to move out of the dorm, and is commuting an hour each way this term and working 25 hours a week to boot, to pay for his food and commute. Plus he and his parents have taken out a hefty loan for the tuition. Another young man I know is sitting out this term working a lucrative job (actually jobs which he will continue through the summer) in hopes of getting through next year, and then taking off another year to pay for the next. He hopes to get through in 6 years that way taking 7 semesters. My friend who is paying for a D in Tisch tells me that it is $50K+ for her each year and a real killer.</p>

<p>are merit awards only awarded after FAFSA is approved even thought there are merit?</p>

<p>Here is a link to the NYU website detailing all available scholarships: <a href="http://admissions.nyu.edu/scholarships/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://admissions.nyu.edu/scholarships/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>so no GSP scholarships then... I really don't know how I'm going to do this</p>

<p>ahh anyone know the answer to my question?</p>

<p>Here is my advice for you.
Your first year you are kinda screwed. You can pettition your award but you probably won't get very far. After your first semester if you do well your package may be adjusted. Your Sophomore year you can be a Peer Educator. This is a position open to Sophomores in which you live in your assigned dorm and are available to answer questions or concerns that your residents have. By being a peer educator you get books and a meal plan for free. Also if you have good grades your package is likely to be adjusted. Your junior year if money is an issue I would reccomend being an RA. You get Housing, a meal plan, and books for free which ends up being about 15,000 dollars. Also RA's are known to get great aid so it is probably more like 22,000 on top of any scholarships and other awards you have. I started at NYU getting screwed on aid but now I pay around 5,000 dollars a year to go here so it is possible.</p>

<p>I have a question, not really my question, but alot have been asking and I dont know....</p>

<p>are the $1000-25000 400 merit scholarships the only non-loan based aid NYU gives? or do they also give grants? </p>

<p>askaboutnyu, do you also have stellar grades?</p>

<p>hey askaboutNYU- can GSP sophomores do the peer educator thing?</p>

<p>Any Sophomore can be a peer-educator. You have to go to two meetings at the end of you Freshmen year and then they assign you to a dorm. It is kind of like pre-RA training. I have solid but not stellar grades in a very difficult major.</p>

<p>My daughter was just notified that she has been selected for the Scholars Program at Steinhardt, and that she will either be a Dean's scholar or university scholar, which are merit based. It asks her to answer some questions (nonfinancial). Does anyone know what the scholarship amounts are under either program? Thanks.</p>

<p>Well, if you really want it that bad, shoulder the entire cost. A friend of mine's a freshman at Stern, and he took out a $50,000 loan, didnt qualify for free money or scholarships.</p>

<p>that gives me some hope! thanks for the info askaboutNYU - I really hope it works out like that for me</p>

<p>My daughter received notice that she was selected as a University Scholar (at Tisch). It sounds really neat. However, we were wondering if there is any scholarship MONEY associated with being a University Scholar. Nothing related to money was mentioned, even though the other aspects of the program are very nice. Does anyone know if there is merit money associated with such a thing? Thanks.</p>

<p>are CAS scholarships out (besides dean?)</p>

<p>I know the financial aid stuff is coming soon but I jsut really curious...Is it possible to be both a stern scholar and a lewis rudin scholar? how much do stern scholars get exactly? Or does it vary depending on need? I really need a ton of financial aid in order to go. and i won't even be dorming there...</p>