NYU Waitlist 2024

i dont have the link with the year either so maybe it is an indication! Starting to lose out hope over here as there have already been two waves lol

also this kinda sucks for us now lolol cuz they prob patched up as many indications they could based off of the past waves

any checklists gone

@Hoped1 has your checklist disappeared since we think the financial aid year is an indication

I have the new 2020-2021 Financial Aid button and my checklist is still there. So, maybe it means nothing. Keep hanging on, guys.

when should the next wave come? 2:30?

it usually has been out by now… my financial aid link still shows “aid year link” but from what i see in this thread its changing at random times for some people? so maybe it is or isnt an indication idek?

@purplesparkles2 I feel the same. about to give up hope. I do not have 2020-2021 on my financial aid button either. So over this wait

could they release the financial aid package after they admit you as many colleges do? they only give us 72 hours to respond so i highly doubt it, but who even knows what an indication is and what isn’t.

Anyones checklist disappear?

Guys, I definitely wouldn’t count yourselves out just because you have a button with a different name.
Bigger indicators have meant nothing. Hang in there. I’m going
to go clean my room and watch a movie to avoid stressing out more.

yeahhhh! if it doesn’t say it on the status update it means nothing! and remember we literally have until august till this waitlist process is done. i remember reading somewhere that an nyu tour guide got off the waitlist at the very end. so don’t count yourself out well said.

Wow so they just lied to us about there being a wave today…

anyone get in today yet?

I am starting to think there is no wave today…

They had us in the first half ngl : (

Decisions usually come in between 3-4pm EST so there’s still hope!

Sometimes waves come out later. There is no reason to believe there won’t be one today.

I understand how stressful this is, but let’s not lose hope! Reality is some of us could get off today, some of us could get off in a couple months, and some not at all. I know it’s torture, but let’s just try to keep things in perspective and trust that whatever happens is the right thing for us in our lives. Let’s take our minds off it, and let it come to us if it comes to us! I’m going to distract myself with some music and movies. Take care of yourselves and your mental health everyone. I’m here for you.

im guessing the waves are going to be more and more inconsistent as this goes on. that goes for indications and the timing of the releases.