NYU Waitlist 2024

@futureactress19 I’m here for Tisch Drama as well, I understand how you feel completely! It’s a stressful process and it makes me feel like I’ll never get an answer. It feels really tortuous at times because our dream school is right in front of us but we don’t have control whether we make it there all the way. Let’s not lose hope, and I wish you the best of luck! I know you’ll be an awesome actress regardless of the outcome :smile:

@n12abc nah bro I think we just gotta accept the fact that it’s over

Can anyone see their COA tonight bc in the past they could see that the night before the acceptances came out

@StanfordTree3 i can’t see my COA. im waiting for CAS (from NJ btw)

Hi, did anyone call and ask if Stern is full?

My son got into CAS NYU where everyone goes undeclared. He has already committed to UMD. He wants to do CS. But he didn’t get CS major directly but managed to get into School of Letters and Sciences as undeclared in UMD. Now we are confused if NYU will be better and safer option. On top of that, not sure of the Covid19 situation for fall of 2020 in NYU.
Plus, is the 315k really worth it.
CS program wise UMD ranks better but opportunities for internships, etc— is NYU better?

Hi, is anyone on here for Tisch Dance BFA? Let me know I would really appreciate it!

@Curiosity39 I have committed to UMD as well but for computer engineering. There are a ton of opportunities for UMD CS students. My brother graduated CS from UMD and had no trouble getting internships and a job right after graduation. As long as your son puts in the general effort to apply, he won’t have any trouble. UMD has a really good reputation for CS and from what I’ve heard, people want UMD CS Graduates.

My only fear is that if he can’t clear the Gateway courses to declare the CS major then what is he going to do. It seems they do a lot of weeding out in the first year.

@Curiosity39 I think if your son really likes Computer Science, he will be able to get through it. The weeding out is for people who are taking comp sci purely for theranking, or its something they thought they’d try out. If one is serious, they should put in the effort, which means they will get through. I think if he can get through, the UMD degree, at least for CompSci might have more value. You should also consider cost in this factor unless UMD is almost the same cost.

Hey everyone! I was admitted on Wednesday off the waitlist for CAS. I know I was worried about not having hints and what changes meant what so I thought I’d share what I experienced.

Day before my acceptance, I could suddenly see financial aid 2020-2021 on Albert and I did not apply for financial aid. Before there wasn’t this button. And later that day I could also see full COA.
Then the day of my acceptance I could also see an admitted students portal when I clicked on Albert’s “check status.” Finally about an hour before being officially accepted my checklist disappeared. But my zoom has always said member and it still says member so I don’t think that is a hint! Also I was never able to see any housing portal/fall housing so I don’t know if that is a hint.

Just in case anyone’s curious my stats are:
ACT: 33
W GPA: 98.5 (school doesn’t do 4.0 scale or class rank)
Strong extracurriculars, weak essays but good waitlist letter. I verbatim said “if accepted I will attend”

I just want to say congratulations to those accepted! And if you’re waiting be patient because there are still spots. I hope it works out for everyone and someone found this helpful. Good luck!

Just give me a decision already. We have to make VISA decisions too, you know.

I got off the WL from ED2 yesterday and now off to NYU CAS Bio 2024! How lucky am I! ._.

lets hope for a wave today

No aid. I got waitlisted at Emory and Tulane too. No acceptances coz I did not apply to safeties! Got off the waitlist off NYU but declining due to no aid and the CoVID situation!

any changes till now

@HKnyuad So, those two were taken off from the CW2?

@BdCollege Everyone from CW2 got in as far as I know, that person went on the CW3 even though was supposed to attend CW2(as me). From the watsapp group chat, there are quite a few people who got off the waitlist and they attended CW3 and CW4

Guess it’s time to give up and start on backups.

@BdCollege No!!