NYU Waitlist 2024

Do you think it is necessary to reassure that despite corona you would be willing to go? Like not an interest letter, but I still get the option to submit a new waitlist form. Can everyone still submit another one?

That’s wonderful! What did your portal update say? @“micha.toscano”

Same. I got another form to fill, a new one, so I did it anyway.

Do we have to submit a new form? I also can see the new form in the portal but I didn’t submit and not planning to submit as they didn’t say anything about new form. Did anyone receive email about the new form or instructions on whether we have to fill them.

you don’t have to submit a new form: only if you have new accomplishments/updates. other than that, it isn’t necessary .

one of my friends got off the waitlist at barnard and so she called nyu to ask and they said they wont start looking again till may 5th


Doesn’t they start seeing the applications from May 1st?

what appears for other waitlisters housing portals? https://housing.nyu.edu/apply

Spring 2020 and Summer 2020. What about you?


spring 2020 and summer 2020 as well.


What does it say for your role in zoom? Mine says member. But some peoples Zooms have Member-Student…

Mine says Member

Mine says member- affiliate. Idk what that means but it doesn’t seem like a great sign. Hopefully means nothing.

@pianolover78 I would just say be patient and don’t bother them too much. Just do what they ask and that’s all. If they don’t except you off the waitlist, it means they didn’t think that you were a good fit which might actually help you. Although it is the number one dream school, it’s not as glamorous as you think. But best of luck, it’s not a bad place to be.

I checked last year’s waitlist thread, and the first wave of waitlist acceptances was on May 7th, which was the first Tuesday of the month. I’m guessing we’ll get some news back around then, so 2 more weeks guys, hang tight!

What school is everybody wait listed for? I’m hoping for Stern.

@cyl267 Hoping for CAS Econ. But I also selected LSP as second choice so hopefully I can at least get that.

Did the financial aid links for you change? Mine says cost of attendance now. On Albert click Financial aid > Financial Aid Links

Mine says that too and it gives the option for fall 2020 and spring 2021 but I don’t think this means anything honestly. The NYU FAQ page said they won’t start seeing the waitlist info until May 7th I think.