Odds of switching dorms?

My roommate and I were unfortunately assigned to Sullivan Hall today (one of our last choices…no offense if this was one of your top choices) This is extremely problematic because 1) It’s almost a 30 min walk from the business school(where many of my classes will be), the SERF(where I want to work), my cousin’s apartment (where I plan on visiting frequently), and the whole Southeast side in general, AND 2) because both of us are looking to rush, like to party, and don’t fit the standard “lake shore” profile type. We don’t feel that we will fit in well at Sullivan, and would be MUCH better off in a Sellery or Witte (our top two choices) type of setting. Honestly, I am understating this, but living in Sullivan next year would make our lives a complete hell and seriously hurt what we are looking for in our college experiences.

That being said, what do you think the odds that we could get into a Southeast dorm if we put in a Room Transfer Application on the first day of school?

Are you the guy that offered two sets of student section football tickets for people willing to switch? I’m in Southeast, got one of my top choices. Most of my friends seemed to get their top choices as well. Apparently even if you find someone to switch it still might take some time after September 2nd. You’re in Madison, don’t let your freshman dorm ruin your morale, you’re into the best school in the Midwest!

Interesting that Sellery/Witte were your top choices and you got close to your last choice. People disagreed with me when I quoted from the housing website which stated that students have an equal chance at their first choice as their last choice.

Anyway, there are free buses to solve your 30 minute walk problem.

What freshman classes are in Grainger?

Can you get a job in the Nat instead of the SERF?

ad1172: Yea, I’m that guy haha. It doesn’t seem like anything is going to come from the whole facebook thing, so I’m going to probably end up submitting a dorm transfer request and hope for the best. I’m still going to try and see what I can do in the mean time.

Madison85: Bad luck I guess? The bus is an “ok” option, but the southeast dorms are literally perfectly placed for where 90% of my daily college life is going to be. Plus, having to catch a bus every time I want to go visit my friends or cousin (which will be quite often) will get really old, really fast…not to mention waiting for the bus in the middle of January!

Also, I don’t want to come off as boastful, but I did get into the BBA Direct Admit program and will be entering college with most of my gen-ed’s out of the way (via AP, CAPP, etc.) I am interested in double majoring at the School of Business, so I plan on spending a vast amount of time there. That is why it would be ideal to live right down the block from Grainger.

Thank you very much for bringing up the Nat. That thought completely skipped my mind, and that would certainly solve my employment problem. I guess at the very least I know that I’ll have a place to work next year, wherever I end up.

Finally, what do you think the likelihood of rooms opening up in Sellery and Witte is?

It doesn’t hurt to try- worst case is nothing comes up. Please, do NOT express your displeasure at your room assignment to your floor mates as your first introduction to them. Eons ago my first roommate (in Cole- I wanted Lakeshore and had no trouble walking all over campus to be with friends) introduced herself with the fact she wanted a different dorm- thankfully she was able to do so sooner than later.

Attitude means a lot. You can make your lives hell or you can make the best of the situation, even when hopefully only for a short time. Typically there will be some students assigned to temporary quarters until things settle down- such as no shows or some leaving the first few weeks. The worst thing you can do to yourself is to antagonize others with nasty comments about life in Sullivan. Walking often to Grainger is not that bad. Remember only your first class of the day will be from home- otherwise you will be going from one classroom building to another (or room within one). Also- you can eat your meals wherever you want to- no need to return to the dining places closest to your dorm.

Do not forget to include academics in your college life. Even top HS students can fail if they forget to study hard before the socializing.

Congrats on the direct admit to the School of Business!!

In addition to Sellery and Witte, you could also put down Chadbourne on the dorm transfer request form.

If you can ranked the Entrepreneur Learning Community first, you likely would have gotten it (in Sellery).

Lol I saw all of your posts with your roommate. It’s going to be really tough to find an open room in sellery/witte considering there is still an entire wait list of students trying to get in. If you’re really that desperate you might have to split with your roommate to find someone. I know a girl last year who lived in cole and ended up hating her roommate so she transferred to witte and lived in a double extended (double room with space for another bed).

wis75: I certainly won’t let my situation affect my attitude once I get to college. I’m confident that I will make friends wherever I go. It’s just very disappointing to have to be put in this situation when there is already so much nervousness/excitement/fear/uncertainty surrounding college.

Madison85: Thank you very much, and I will definitely put that dorm down as well!

Insu22: I hope that’s not the case, as my roommate and I have already become pretty close. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what happens.

Thank you very much to everyone who responded to my post; the advice I received is great and I am extremely grateful for having received so many responses this quickly. It is a reassuring feeling to know that at least someone is listening! I’m going to contact the housing department and keep exploring all my options.

Lastly, if you know of someone who got assigned to a southeast dorm and wants to switch to lake shore, PLEASE reach out to me! Thank you, and best of luck to you all. On Wisconsin!

Smith is also Southeast and allows freshmen.

(However Southeast Ogg is now only for non-freshmen).

How about a bike (also be sure to have a good lock and lock it right).

OP you kind of come off as whiny and a bit like you are entitled and a bit immature…

Do your best with the systems in place and with a positive attitude.

As an employer, I would rather have someone with the good attitude; and when I taught business courses at university too.

Maybe there will be opportunities that you haven’t thought of as you experience your first year with many good things going.

I also agree with getting a bike, it’s the fastest way to get around campus. Unless they added some recently there is no indoor/covered bike parking at Sullivan. Unless you can fit it in a dorm room (rare but possible) your bike will take a beating from being outside all the time.

The campus buses are nice sometimes but they are slow, sometimes even slower than walking.

Bikes- not fancy too reduce the risk of theft. Not practical in winter, btw. Hey- you’ll get some exercise if you need to get around different areas of campus.

Everyone in my dorm (Cole) said they hated Cole. Sullivan is basically the same building. No one will care that you don’t like it. It’s next to nobody’s top choice. Odds of switching is low.

And I know that some kids in Sullivan got crazy. Some of them were kicked out of Sullivan and moved to Cole.

Madison85: I’ll keep that one in mind too. Again, thank you!

SOSConcern: Hey, everyone’s entitled…to their own opinion. Haha but thanks for the advice.

aqsewfqq: Yea, I was looking at fixing a really old Trek I have lying around in the garage, but like you said, I don’t think I’ll be able to fit a bike in my dorm this year, so I guess I’ll just have to hold off until my sophomore year. Buses will be an alright option for now I guess.

wis75: Good call, I hear bike theft is pretty common in Madison if you don’t lock it up properly.

SaraCo: Haha yea, after talking to a lot of people on the Facebook page, I have gotten a lot of similar feedback. While I’m not looking to get kicked out of the dorms anytime soon, the people I have talked to and I are definitely going to try and improve the atmosphere and reputation of Sullivan a bit. Also, I wouldn’t be so pessimistic about the odds of switching. I talked to Housing again and the potential for my roommate and I to transfer to Southeast after a month or two (or in the worst case, a semester) are encouraging. But thanks for voicing your opinion!

Once again, thank you everyone for your responses. I have talked to many people, sorted out my options, and am now more assured of my situation. I apologize for the initial “meltdown,” but I hope you can at least try to understand where I was coming from. Rest assured, I am making the most out of my situation! Take care, and go badgers!

Bring a bike - you can lock it up in the racks which are outside every dorm (and all over campus) - it doesn’t have to fit in your room.