Off campus housing: Animal House

<p>I'm about at my witts end with the "party school" environment surrounding Virginia Tech and throughout Blacksburg. I put a message up on college confidential and I got like 10 emails along with a posted response. Someone mentioned this website and thought I should share my experiences..</p>

<p>anyone else really tired of the wild party scene throughout Blacksburg?</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>No, it’s not that bad. Renting from a landlord does have a lot of advantages, but drinking at apartment complexes just isn’t a big enough issue for that to be one of them.</p>

<p>someone started this same thread- same topic last year. NO doubt you are the same person. I haven’t noticed this partying issue… I have lived in 2 different complexes, and it is rather quiet for a college campus.</p>