Off campus housing ideas

Hi, my DS22 will be living in off campus housing their Sophomore year. They have a group of 3-4 girls in the same boat. All kids are out of state (not that this matters). They are trying to find a house or apartment for next year, but are struggling to find time to really focus on it, and they have no experience, so I want to try and help them.

Here are the minimum criteria:

Safe and secure
Close (walking distance) to campus, even better if close to the sororities near Tut
They can do a 3 or 4 bedroom, or two 2-bedrooms right near each other.

Any leads or professionals who can help them would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Are you on the parent Facebook pages? Lots of discussions on their about off campus housing; recently about the very same thing you are asking about.

The University of Alabama Parent Group & The University of Alabama Parents