Official Amherst Regular Decision Thread

<p>I'm applying to Amherst RD!</p>

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<p>Submitted my app today! : )</p>

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<p>Just submitted my app today!! It feels soooooo good!</p>

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<p>Wow, I can't wait to find out!</p>

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<p>me too!!!!!</p>

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<p>...Anyone else geekily excited by the fact that Emily Dickinson lived literally next door to Amherst?</p>

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<p>I guess that's cool. I really dislike Emily Dickinson, though >_></p>

<p>Perhaps Robert Frost is more up your alley? He taught at Amherst for a long time and a statue of him gazes across the quad at the library named after him.</p>

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<p>I'm also applying to Amherst RD!</p>

<p>I'm an international student, so it'll be tight for me. Anyway, we'll see how it goes.</p>

<p>I'm more into novels and plays then into poems.
I especially like realists and "existentialists."</p>

<p>In jr high I was obsessed with Robert frost!!!! My obsession is what ultimately lead to my discovery of Amherst in the first place :)</p>

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<p>My favourite poet at the moment is Ranier Maria Rilke. I did my senior project on his work. He doesn't really have anything to do with Amherst, though =p</p>

<p>Carp, you like Camus and Sartre, then?</p>

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<p>I love Camus and Sartre.</p>

<p>Yes, Camus and Sartre.</p>

<p>This is the main reason why I want to leave my country. Had I mentioned existentialism in a Honduran forum, I would have been answered with a comment about soccer. Even my high school English teachers ignored relatively famous characters like Camus and Sartre. </p>

<p>My favorite Camus play is the The Misunderstanding.
And my favorite Sartre play is (unsurprisingly) Huis-Clos.</p>

<p>What have you read of Sartre and Camus?</p>

<p>P.D Froghorn, if I'm not mistaken I sent you my Amherst essay. If you read it, would you mind telling me your general impressions about it? Of course, it's not really important anymore, but I'm a bit nervous about all of my essays.</p>

<p>Sorry, you did send me your essay and I read it but did not have time to really evaluate it. Will look at it when I can. As for Sartre, my favourite is probably La Naus</p>

<p>I've read only The Wall by Sartre and The Stranger by Camus. I plan to read more once I finish with my Nietzsche binge. I don't take French, but I plan on doing so in college. French and German.</p>

<p>I <3 Nietzsche. I plan on taking German in college, to the horror of my family. I speak French pretty fluently.</p>

<p>haha why doesn't your family like German?</p>

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<p>No, it's OK froghorn, it doesn't make sense anymore. No worries.</p>

<p>I think it's great you've read the books in French. I wish I could. Something is always lost in translations.</p>

<p>Have you read Lucifer and the Lord by Sartre? I fell in love with Goetz...</p>

<p>Devorzhum, I've wanted to read Nietzsche. I recently acquired Human, All Too Human and started reading it while on a long car trip. Unfortunately I fell asleep. Not because of the book, but because I get dizzy after a while when reading in the car. Would you say this is a good book to start with Nietzsche?</p>

<p>Is it normal, at least in LAC's, to learn a language while in college? I think that's awesome. I hadn't even thought of that possibility ... but it sounds great!</p>

<p>On a different subject, have you read Gabriel Garc</p>

<p>Well, it's really more my grandparents, the munificent under-writers of my college education. Germanophobia is not so uncommon with Jews of their gen... Everyone else thinks it's ugly, or thinks I should take Russian (my mom, who majored in it at AC), or thinks I should take Japanese (my aunt, who is Japanese) or perhaps Arabic or Chinese because I am so 'linguistically gifted' that I shouldn't "waste my time" with German. I think when one is the oldest daughter/grand-daughter/niece, her family tends to have very strong opinions about the direction of her edu!</p>

<p>Marquez is wonderful! Have you read Allende? I also love Goethe, off topic, I know. It is definitely a privilege to be able to read in another language; you get to read Marquez and Cervantes!</p>