<p>I think it was 0.5.</p>
<p>Think about it on the unit circle...the max is at pi/4. So (root2)/2 x (root2)/2=.500</p>
<p>I think it was 0.5.</p>
<p>Think about it on the unit circle...the max is at pi/4. So (root2)/2 x (root2)/2=.500</p>
<p>i think 1, 2, and 3 were also choices? not completely sure</p>
<p>hey im just curious anyone here also took physics. Its odd that no one is discussing about it</p>
<p>yeah it was like 0, .5, 1, 2, 3
basically all the numbers on the graph</p>
<p>Sking: Not I. I took this and US.</p>
<p>yeah the answer was .5 for the sinxcosx problem. lol i just graphed it and used my calculator to find the max point.</p>
<p>Did anyone else omit the pyramid? For some reason, I thought it was so hard.</p>
<p>Anyone remember the chart one? It gives you a chart, one column being x, the other being f(x). Then it asks you to find f(f(x)). I got whatever f(0) turned out to be. (I THINK.. Don't remember)</p>
<p>I think the f(f(x)) chart was 4, but I don't really remember.</p>
<p>ya at first when i looked at the pyramid i thought it was really hard.. but then i guess it's just a matter of visualizing the 3d pyramid in your head. because you were given the height and a side of the square base (is that right?) and so basically the altitude of one of the faces was the hypotenuse of a triangle with one side = height of pyramid and the other side = half of the side of the square. haha sorry bad explanation.</p>
i thot it was f(4)-->2???????
i think i got 2
crud x_____x</p>
<p>i hope we are allowed to discuss this, since everyone's taken it alredi, yes?</p>
<p>i got 4 as well</p>
<p>yeah i got f(4)=2 as well.</p>
i thot it was f(4)-->2???????
i think i got 2
crud x_____x</p>
<p>i hope we are allowed to discuss this, since everyone's taken it alredi, yes?"</p>
<p>Yeah, it was f(4)=2. I remember now.</p>
<p>Lol, do you remember the values on each side? x_x</p>
<p>We get our scores in.. two weeks right?</p>
<p>naw, but i rememer i looked at the value for 3-->4
so i checked 4-->2</p>
<p>what was the one with the photocopies that is represented by functions f and g?</p>
i have to say
the 5f(x)+20g(x) or w/e
made me laugh =x</p>
<p>was that D?</p>
<p>yeah it was</p>