***Official Thread for 2017 BSMD applicants***

@BSMD2017 Agree, I could not make out why she was rejected and did not get more interviews. The 5th factor, I meant in both ways. Good and Bad luck. Some time for some folks it goes well and for some it goes south and unfortunately it impacted you. Wish at least one of the last 2, your child gets.

I do not believe parents profession matters in selection at all. Agree with @path2md , some factors like LOR and Essays, in this forum we don’t discuss much. May be they played a role in both ways for some students.

@bsmdhopeful2021 Wait until all results come. Some thing will out. GL.

Yes, it is possible to have two students from the same high school to get into the same program. I have seen it a few times, albeit from an extremely strong high school. It would depend on the size and strength of the high school.

was just accepted into both UCONN’s Special Program in Medicine and the Union/AMC program. I was wondering if anyone could give some insight or advice when it comes to choosing between the two? Whether it be cost, better residencies, area, opportunities, overall atmosphere. I know Union is much more expensive that Uconn, so I guess I also want to know is Union/AMC worth the extra money?

While we are on the topic. We had a very humbling experience too with the whole BS MD process. My Son has 2330 SAT (1600 M + R, One sitting) , 36 ACT (Once), SAT Subject Math 800, Chem 800, NMF, 4.0 UW GPA. USABO Semi Finalist. 2 + Years of research, 400 + Hours of Medical Shadowing ( Was not possible to get more Medical experience with 2 full summers of research). Plus Varsity sports and decent Volunteer exp.

We are from TX. Looking at the OOS medical school expeses decided to apply only 2 out of state. UPitt and NU HPME and in Texas Baylor/Baylor, Rice Baylor and UTSA FAME.

Baylor / Baylor got selected for first round of medical event which is not an interview, but rejected for final interview.
UPitt / NU HPME / FAME rejected pre-interview.

Not much hopes on Rice Baylor with the way things went so far.

So GPA might matter, but looks like test scores are not a big factor if you are in the range.

The only other factors are LOR’s and Essay. LOR’s from school, we have not seen, but must be decent. Has very good recommendation from the doctor he shadowed. Essay’s I thought were decent. He got them reviewed by teachers for grammar and flow.

We have not taken any external professional help. I dont know if that was a mistake. My reasoning was he has the best scores, research, 2 years of Dual Credits and that would carry him. These are high school kids focussed on STEM. Not English creative writing majors. I sure thought their work would carry more weight than how well they could express their passion. Essays are totally subjective. Other metrics are more objective measures and totally done by kids without any external help like essays. NOt sure what else could have prepared my son well or what advise I could have given.

Based on the forums, each and every one is extremely qualified. BS MD is extremely competitive.
We should have casted a wider net by applying for more schools, but looking at expense and Texas being cheap and having medical seats reserved for residents, we were prepared to go traditional route. So no regrets there.

So lessons learned from my perspective.
1. Get the best GPA and scores atleast in the middle of the required range. Dont have to stress if they are not the top.
2. Get good research experience and Medical experience
2. Apply to as many schools as possible if you want to have good chance of interviews.
3. Most important, just be prepared for rejections and be ready for traditional route and dont second guess on what else could have been done. Just follow the process and hope for the best.

In spite of the rejections I am glad we went through this journey. It prepared us well for traditional route. Congrats to all those who already reached their destination and good luck to all those who are still waiting.

I like to thank @Roentgen @texaspg @GoldenRock @Empire007 and many other parents/students who so selflessly guide future students even though their kids admissions were done.

I have written this long post, just to give another perspective.

PS: He got rejected from WUSTL too. Bummer. We have not shown any special interest like campus visit or communicating with the admissions officer. Looks like demonstrated interest is big part for WashU. Also like @GoldenRock said, I read somewhere too they are concerned about their yeild and appears to be giving admission to those they think will join. My son has friends who got into MIT, DUKE and Likely’s from other Ivy’s who got rejected from WUSTL. :slight_smile:

@AllenTx15 Sorry to hear the outcome. No doubt, your DS will get into Tx medical schools in the regular route.
Thank you so much for your perspective and sharing your thoughts with others. You rightly pointed out the gap and in your situation you made a informed decision. For others, if you have a similar situation and can afford, apply broader (8-12 programs) since it is hard to predict. Last but not least, don’t give up hope. You may get surprise with Rice/Baylor the last one to come. Your DS profile is so strong, and I wish him the best.

@AllenTx15 I am very sorry that your son was unable to receive a BSMD admission, it looks like he is more than qualified. I don’t know that much about the UTSA Fame program, but the other schools that you mentioned are high tier programs that are ultra competative. Just from an outside perspective having gone thru all the heartache last year, this year seems even more brutal than last. Like @GoldenRock mentioned maybe if he applied to more programs (mid tier as well) he may have had a different outcome (but who knows). But as you said, financial commitments are something that cannot be overlooked and you stuck by your decision with not looking back, Bravo! I wish your son all the best. There is so many fine candidates on this board my heart just breaks seeing all the disappointment. We were one of the fortunate ones last cycle and I ask my child to wake up every day remembering that and thank God for the opportunity that has been given.

@linda99 If you are a CT resident then the cost alone would be huge factor in choosing UConn over Union. I have visited both Union and UConn, and IMHO opinion as far as campus life UConn has much more to offer. Both are 8 year programs so thats a wash. As far as residency goes, check the match list for the last few years for AMC and UConn and compare the two, that will give you a good idea of the hospitals and specialties that students are getting into.

@linda99 @Empire007 has a good point on checking residency match. As I responded to your post in the other thread, wait for response from @Undecided3494 or PM him since he got both U/AMC and CWRU but still choose U/AMC to know his perspective. U/AMC no MCAT and UConn need to take MCAT. Location & Campus vibe and proximity to your home if they are relevant.

Has anyone called and asked AMC what their 'rank order ’ number is if still under consideration for their program ? Do you think they would tell you if you were say #50 or #80 on their list ?
Just curious …

Anyone still waiting to hear from TCNJ BS/MD?

Anyone got REMS decisions? U of R released merit scholarships.

Any update on NU HPME ?

Got Rush Rhees Merit from UoR!!! NO REMS decision yet!!!

How mush is Rush Rhees merit amount?

@bpc2017 20K

My DS got Robotics one which is 17K, but didn’t get REMS interview so no good

Any news from NEOMED BSMD yet?

DD got the Dean’s Scholarship from UoR. Not sure what this means for REMS,


2452 is a great post. Thanks for being so proactive in guiding students through this journey.

Just one clarification: students should not present scores of 2180 on SAT for BS/ MD program applications. They should try to better it or take the ACT and have a very good score to present. SAT score in that range is presented only to schools like Yale, MIT etc where you are required to send in scores for all tests that you have ever taken.
In summary, I think 2180 SAT if presented would be a clear rejection for any BS/ MD program despite having the best of everything else. It is the good ACT score that was presented along with all the other credentials that put the candidates (without presbring the low SAT score) through most of the BS/ MD programs.

The max Deans scholarship for REMS is 20K/ year. The max any REMS student got last year was around that.

Got 22k no notification from rems yet