
<p>So I really like Ogg for housing but I've heard that many non-freshman live their as well. Would you guys recommend something other than Ogg because of this? Or are there still mostly freshman that live there?</p>

<p>Also is Liz Waters the same way?</p>

<p>Between Ogg, Smith and Liz, you’re talking about 3 of the most popular dorms on campus. You MIGHT get one of them but don’t rely on it. As many other posts of the same topic have suggested, worry more about general location/environment (Lakeshore, Southeast, Learning Community) than about individual building.</p>

<p>All dorms are at least 50% freshmen. Ogg (and Smith) are popular for sophomores, but there will be plenty of freshmen there. They are popular like Humbaba said so don’t count on it. If you really want to be around a lot of freshmen (and are okay with a lot of noise/partying) try Sellery or Witte as a backup. If you don’t like to party you will find many freshmen in Lakeshore.</p>

<p>what would you suggest if i like to party, but at the same time wouldn’t mind some quiet time for studying as well?</p>

<p>During the week (with the exception of Thursday) most dorms are pretty quiet. Most people here do study hard during the week.</p>

<p>So Thursday night is considered weekend already?</p>

<p>I’d say that’s pretty standard many places. Study Sunday-Wed night. Off Thur-Sat unless something is due or midterms. </p>

<p>[The</a> Insider’s Guide to the Colleges … - Google Books](<a href=“The Insider's Guide to the Colleges, 2011: Students on Campus Tell You What ... - Yale Daily News Staff - Google Books”>The Insider's Guide to the Colleges, 2011: Students on Campus Tell You What ... - Yale Daily News Staff - Google Books)</p>

<p>Thursday is generally the weekend here, yes. That’s pretty standard though I think, as barrons said. I do find that Thursday tends to be more of a chill night drinking with friends as opposed to a hardcore party night, but lots of people are out at the bars that night and most people try to schedule their Fridays pretty light.</p>

<p>You can definitely not go out on Thursdays and not be looked down upon, even in pretty hard-partying circles. I’d say I do about 75% of Thirsty Thursdays.</p>

<p>I will be a sophomore transfer student. Transfer House was my number one choice but thats full. Ogg is my backup but I am guessing that is going to fill up quick or already filled up. What dorms on campus have a large amount of sophomores? As the school I am transferring to isn’t social at all and the kids are crazy annoying, looking for a place that is social and people are outgoing. In other words, looking for a dorm with a bunch of Sophmores that are outgoing and will party but on the weekends.</p>

<p>No dorm has a “large” amount of sophomores. Most non-first years live off campus. I would say Ogg, Smith, and Liz Waters are your best chances, however. If you live in a dorm, prepare to live with many freshmen.</p>

<p>I also know several soon-to-be sophomores who will be living in (well, returning to) Barnard, which is ordinarily kind of antisocial but this year there are a lot of people who party there, and many of them are coming back.</p>

<p>Cool, thanks for your help. I feel like I should live on campus especially as a transfer student. So if I just put my name in as a sophomore I will be matched with a sophomore right? Can lucky 101 assign you a suite mate if I decide to live there? My main concern is really just finding other sophomores to hang out with. I want a very social,friendly environment as I find that I am lacking that currently at University of Denver.</p>

<p>Thanks again. Really appreciate your help.</p>

<p>Lucky will try to find what you want.</p>

<p>I hear Lucky is anti-social however and full of obnoxious Coasties. The person I heard this friend may be sterotyping though. Do a lot of sophomores live in Lucky?</p>

<p>I know a lot of parties go on in Lucky, however it is apartments so don’t expect the closeness you would have in a dorm. They will find you roommates though. There are a lot of “coasties” there but I don’t think they’re as bad as they seem. Most are very nice if you take the time to get to know them. If you really are not okay with having coasties around though then you probably don’t want to live in Lucky, lol. I know a lot of sophomores that live there (basically my whole sorority lol) and I think it’s a pretty popular choice for freshmen moving out of the dorms.</p>

<p>Thanks again for your help. Think the dorms would be better for me as a transfer student coming in Sophomore year. Sounds like Ogg has the most sophomores. Haven’t heard back from admissions yet, but I think Ogg is my first choice. Will they room me with other sophomores or will I may have to room with freshman? Be cool if the freshman and sophomores are separated. I know one kid rooming in Ogg. Really hoping its not full already…</p>

<p>It’s possible you could have to be with a freshman, but they generally try to keep freshmen together so you’ll probably be with a sophomore. There is a chance however. Also as long as you’ve sent in your deposit you have the same chance as everyone of getting your first choice. It’s by lottery, so someone who sent in their deposit yesterday has the same chance as someone who sent it in in January. As long as you have your choices in by May 1 (I think), you’re good.</p>

<p>If you are not placed into your top choice dorm, you can get put on a waiting list for an opening. My son’s friend got placed in Sellery which was his last, very last choice. He contacted the housing department ASAP and asked to be placed on a waiting list for OGG and within a few days, he was locked into Ogg (this all took place over the summer).</p>

<p>It is likely that you will get your area of choice- Lakeshore or Southeast- but you need to rank dorms in one area first and not mix-and-match dorms in both areas when making your ranked list to do this.</p>

<p>I know my chances of getting into Ogg aren’t great as a freshman but do you think I should still put it is my first choice I know all about the partying and I want the social aspect
My only worry is that it is not a freshman dorm, should I still try to get in or should I stick with a freshman dorm? is it better starting with other freshman?
Also I visited Chadbourne and it seemed nice but the vibe seemed more academic and not much partying is that true?
Should I put Chadborne of another freshman party dorm like Sellery or Witte as my second choices?</p>

<p>I know its a lot of questions Thanks!!</p>

<p>Ogg is not “not a freshman dorm.” Every dorm is over 50% freshmen. Most non-freshmen do not live on campus. Put Ogg first if you want it. It is popular so you might not get it, but there will be plenty of freshmen.</p>

<p>Yes, Chadbourne is more academic and there isn’t much partying, however you can find it if you look.</p>

<p>Put what you care about. If you want to party, put Sellery or Witte unless you liked Chadbourne better. If you pick Chad you will automatically get it (it’s a living learning community) and you can pick which room you get. Sellery and Witte are fun though. It’s all about what you care about.</p>