On-Campus Activites?

<p>What are some of the best organizations to join at UA? I’ll be in the Honors College so HCA is an option but what are other good organizations? Thank you!</p>

<p>I think it would depend on your interests.</p>

<p>What do you like to do?</p>

Community service?
foreign-language kinds of things?
religious related stuff?
stuff related to your major?
performing stuff…acting, singing, playing an instrument?</p>

<p>Plan to check out opportunities for involvement during “Get On Board Day”.</p>

<p>I was (and still am) pretty involved in various activities around my school. I’ve been on student council since sophomore year, managed basketball, mu alpha theta, speech and debate, Latin club, and served as an ambassador. I’m looking to get involved at UA w/o putting too much on my plate.</p>

<p>Can someone tell me what exactly the Honors College Assembly does? I know they have a viewing party for an away football game because I saw that on the honors college website, but I’m assuming they must do a lot more. Is HCA the social arm of the honors college? Do they have other activities/events?</p>

The Honors College Assembly provides the Honors College student body with opportunities for growth and a greater sense of community among members of the Honors College. Specifically, we focus on:</p>

<p>•social and student life and cultural interaction activities, such as football block seating, pre-game tailgating events, intramural teams, thematic guest speaker series, etc.
•community service and civic engagement opportunities
•leadership and professional development opportunities
•student research opportunities
•study, service, and research abroad opportunities
•student/faculty interactions</p>

<p>Also if you go to the University of Alabama Honors College facebook page you can get an idea of some events they hold.</p>

<p>Are you interested in speech/debate/forensics? Bama has a ranked team.</p>

<p>^^^Or enroll in Moral Forum. It’s an Honors College course that involves a debate tournament. When my son took it, the four finalists (they debate in teams of two) were each awarded $2,000 in prize money.</p>

<p>Thank you all!</p>