On campus housing for Sophomores

<p>But I still don’t understand how the waitlisted kids even were chosen… did they start the recontract process later than others (but still within the deadline?) or is this totally random?
My son has exact same status as bassettmomma’s, freshman with sophomore status living in the honors section (but Ridgecrest West), but got in.</p>

<p>Also - did anyone find out Monte’s question “Could the waitlisted or rejected kids get pulled into a suite by someone who does have housing?”</p>

<p>If that’s the case then we would know on Day 2 of housing selection if there are spaces (for ex. in son’s suite) and start pulling those on here in.</p>

<p>Kari indicated to housing in october ( or whenever) that she wanted to have on campus for next year.</p>

<p>i don’t think you would be able to be pulled in if you were waitlisted. if you are waitlisted, you won’t even be able to pay the deposit. and if you haven’t paid the deposit, you wouldn’t be able to be assigned a room at all.</p>

<p>mom of four - where does your DD live? mine lives in ridgecrest south - north (which is not all honors. floors 1 and 2 are honors. floors 3 - 5 are not.</p>

<p>is it possible that she is in a non-honors room (unknowingly)?</p>

<p>Talked to housing and they took my sons info. They said it was a glitch in the system. they should have housing if they are going to be 2nd year students next year. It is because of the AP credits…They will send an email notifying us before the 9th if we can still get housing…They blew this big time! Now we have to wait for them to figure it out.</p>

<p>1-3 are the Honors floors in Ridgecrest South North Tower. Maybe they need to add the other 2 floors. They let honors kids have those rooms first and then open to others to meet demand.</p>

<p>bassettmomma - they need to make it right, not just hope it will work out for you.</p>

<p>i would not be happy with that solution. AT ALL!</p>

<p>make sure you are talking to alicia browne, not just whoever answers the phone there.</p>

<p>Just got off the phone from someone in honors – Jamie is in meeting right now and will check the situation later this afternoon. </p>

<p>Kari is now placed on a list " with other students in that same situation" that Mrs. Susan Haynes (Dr Sharpe’s sec) has. Got told I should receive a call later this afternoon.</p>

<p>kari is in Ridgecrest North ( South Tower) – not sure what floor she is on.</p>

<p>I agree talk to Alicia…I have gotten misinformation in the past from whoever answers the phone. She is the go-to lady.</p>

<p>Kari got reinstated and is off the waiting list. Yay!</p>

<p>Thank goodness, Mom4! Been in and out today, and been praying all day everything works out for all of you. I am so glad I got up early and took care of this right away. I’m flying to Houston to see my mom in the hospital once the planes are off the ground and will be praying for you guys that everything works out with housing.</p>

<p>Yep we got reinstated they sent us the email tonight. I figured it would all work out. Now we just have to send in the deposit etc. and start looking early for housing for the next year since it sounds like after sophmore year we may not have any oncampus spots.</p>

<p>bassettmomma: You can still get housing as a junior, if you express that interest through recontracting. While my son and one suite mate are on housing scholarships, two are not, but each young man will be living on campus in the fall in the same building, same room. So, do not rule out on campus housing.</p>

<p>Great news bassett and mom4, was hoping it was just a glitch.</p>

<p>So everyone is taken care of - no? Still a few weeks until selection day but I think DS will have space in his suite in RW, many of his friends are non-honors so that’s not an option for them.</p>

<p>From what I understand, Honors students have priority after Freshmen for housing. So if you student recontracts and are in Honors they should be fine…whether soph, junior or senior. So glad it is worked out for everyone!!</p>

<p>Bamagirl – I don’t know that you can count on getting housing even if you are an honors student already living in honors suites once you reach sophomore status. As Bama is growing in student population and dorms now doing reconstruction, there are less space available.</p>

<p>I was told now having sophomore status, even though she’s really a freshman, was why Kari didn’t initially get housing for this upcoming fall. </p>

<p>I hope she can still get for fall 2012/ junior year though, as it would makes things easier for us. She plans to study abroad spring 2013 of jr year and it would be nice to only pay one semester of housing (whereas in apt, I think she would probably have to pay for full year)</p>

<p>This is the letter we got in October: Housing and Residential Communities has set the following priorities to meet demand for on-campus housing:</p>

<p>1)Incoming freshmen, who live on campus as part of the Freshman Residency Program.</p>

<p>2)Returning students in the following categories: students with housing scholarships, athletes required to live on campus, students currently participating in a living-learning community (including Honors Housing), and resident advisors.</p>

<p>But I am sure any of that is subject to change. As far as honors…we were never told housing would be an issue. My D’s friend who is junior had no problem recontracting for this year. I do know the University leases apts at the Bluff for upperclassmen and they will work with you on the lease if she is going abroad. Very close to campus and the Crimson Ride goes there.</p>

<p>i wonder how come some of the honors juniors had no problems, but some of us honors freshman who are technically sophomores did?</p>

<p>Ridgecrest South North Tower floors 1-3 are definitely honors housing.</p>

<p>Honors College Dorms:</p>

<p>“The Honors College living option in Riverside West, Lakeside West, Ridgecrest North and Ridgecrest West is available to members of the University Honors Program, International Honors Program, and/or Computer-Based Honors Program. These coed living-learning facilities form the center of the University’s tightly-knit honors community. Because of the demand for Honors Housing, only incoming Honors College freshmen and current residents of Honors Housing can be accommodated. Space does not permit Honors College participants living in other residence halls to move to Honors Housing. For more information, please visit honors.ua.edu.”</p>

<p>Source:[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“http://housing.ua.edu/new_students/living_learning_halls.cfm]Student”>http://housing.ua.edu/new_students/living_learning_halls.cfm)</p>