On campus housing for Sophomores

<p>@Mike…I think the waitlist was just an error for Honors students. Did you get in? They did go and correct the problem yesterday.</p>

<p>it was only an error for some honors students.</p>

<p>and, yes, everything is taken care of in our situation.</p>

<p>: )</p>

<p>ok I am still little confused. If we live in honors housing this year as freshman and we were told we were not getting housing because they thought we were juniors then it makes sense that next year when we are true sophomores we would not get housing. Right?</p>

<p>Also, what if we decide to not live in honors housing this year? Are we REQUIRED to because we did last year? If we can’t get housing for next year either way then I am thinking that we might just go for regular non-honors housing this year.</p>

<p>@bassettmomma, according to the Housing website this who receives housing first:</p>

<p>1)Incoming freshmen, who live on campus as part of the Freshman Residency Program.
2)Returning students in the following categories: students with housing scholarships, athletes required to live on campus, students currently participating in a living-learning community (including Honors Housing), and resident advisors.</p>

<p>The problem yesterday was just a weird error. Some honors kids were told they were waitlisted…after the error was discovered they were removed from the waitlist. Anyone in honors housing should be able to recontract no matter what year…as long as they have stayed in honors housing. Your chances of recontracting, I think, would diminish if you were to go to non-honors. You are not required to living in Honors housing but once you leave you cannot get back in due to the high demand. I have 2 in honors now (FR and Soph) and have not had any problems with recontracting either year. It was the friends that got the error but all is resolved now. I have not heard of any honors kids that have not been able to recontract if they wanted to. Hope that helps.</p>

<p>This is from an article in the Crimson White on 1/25/2011. “Students who will be participating in a living-learning community, such as Blount, Friedman, and the International Living-Learning Community are also protected from being waitlisted. Current honors residents are included in this category.” So it states they are protected as long as they are honors students.</p>

<p>OK - so now we’re getting down to technicalities - does anyone know the answer to this?</p>

<p>If you recontract with same room selection on Day 1, can someone then use your proxy code (with your permission) and pull you out of your original room into their empty space in a suite on Day 2 (Same Room - add roommates)?</p>

<p>Seems like it would be leaving yourself out there if you were counting on a space in a specific suite being empty, only to find after Day 1 that all roommates decided to take their original spaces.</p>


<p>Same Room Selection
8:00 a.m. February 24-8:00 a.m. February 25</p>

<p>This day is reserved for students who recontracted and wish to return to their same space next year. In order to pull a roommate into a vacant space in your same room/suite, you must select your space first, during this time period, and pull in your roommate February 25-26. If you do not select to stay in your same room during this period, you will not be able to pull in a roommate February 25-26.</p>

<p>Same Room Selection - Add Roommate(s)
8:00 a.m. February 25-8:00 a.m. February 26</p>

<p>This day is reserved for students who selected to return to their same space on February 24-25 and now wish to add a roommate to any vacant spaces in their room. In order to pull a roommate into a vacant space in your same room/suite, you must have already selected your space during the same room selection period February 24-25.</p>

<p>In my experience, it is possible to select the same space for next year and then decide to move or be pulled into into a different space, be it in the same building or a different building.</p>

<p>^ Thanks Sea_tide!</p>

<p>I wonder why the non-scholarship juniors and seniors are given any priority at all. I would think that they would be the first to be waitlisted.</p>

<p>i think the pulling in for freshman should be done away with as well. it is not fair.</p>

<p>at one of our local schools if you must room with someone, you both get assigned the later of the two housing choice dates.</p>

<p>non-housing scholarship students at this point hold the same status as any other LLC groups, athletes and RAs, at least according to the Housing website.</p>

<p>Otherwise they’d have to stop saying that Honors kids have first priority for registration, housing etc. during recruitment. It’s a huge selling point, we’ve all heard it.</p>

<p>Seriously, for those OOS, or anyone for that matter, the guarantee of honors housing was/is a big factor. I know it was for us. It’s a big leap to send your kid 1000s of miles away and the housing situation as it was presented was a big thing that made it much easier.</p>

<p>^^^^^Agreed, as Out of Staters, it was a selling point for us as well.</p>

<p>Let me ask a hypothetical: Let’s say you contract for Honors Housing for your Sophomore year and your GPA falls below the required Honors minimum AFTER you have already selected housing. That is, your GPA falls below the minimum in the final grading period after you have alread set up your Honors housing for the following year. Are they going to boot you out of your room for the following year?</p>

<p>i think they have a probation system so it would take more than one bad performance to get completely kicked out.</p>

<p>Wondering what the situation is for sophomores next year.</p>

<p>^ I don’t think that’s known yet. An FYI, this thread is older than a discussion that there was last year, and things changed from 2011 to 2012 (and I’m sure with Pres. II things will be different again).</p>