Only Two Weeks Left!

<p>The notification for EA applicants is two weeks from today! I have been waiting a long time for this and can't believe it's finally almost here. Hopefully we all will receive good news!</p>

<p>I feel like I’m just going to be let down and not get the scholarship I need to afford it.</p>

<p>I hear they can come anywhere from Jan. 25-Feb. 1! The earlier the better(:</p>

<p>goblue…I know where you’re coming from, as I have the same concern. But lets just hope for the best and see what happens. If there is one thing I have learned from college applications, it is you never know what they will offer you.</p>

<p>RGHelmcamp…amen to that!</p>

<p>I just hope i get in!</p>

<p>I noticed that we can’t check our application status on the MyUM page, is this normal? Is everyone seeing this same thing?</p>

<p>what exactly do you mean? When I go to myUM, it has a link that says “View your Admissions information” and when I click it, it gives the option to click on “Application Documents Received” and then it says "Your application has been sent to the admission committee for review. We appreciate your patience during this time and will mail your admission notification according to the application option you chose. For information about admission notification dates, go to <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;." Is yours different from this?</p>

<p>do they notify us of the admissions decisions through the myUM portal, email, or mail? Does anyone know?</p>

<p>@tav - mine says the same thing…
and i legit check myUM everyday to see if i got in. from reading ED applicants responses it says itll come up in the personal messages box on the left if we got in!</p>

<p>@tav252 I don’t have that “View your Admissions Information”, even though I submitted an application. A few weeks ago it is visible, but now it is not. I’m wondering why because I need to cancel the application because I was accepted ED somewhere else.</p>

<p>observer…I believe that is normal. My “myUM” account did that for a period of about a week a little less than a month ago. I posted a thread about it on CC when it happened to me, and I think someone said it meant they were reviewing your application. If you need to withdraw your application, I would suggest calling them.</p>

<p>From what I’ve heard from ED applicants, they email you about how a decision is posted on MyUM and then under Personal Messages there’s a link to the admissions decision.
ED heard back 6 days before they were supposed to so hopefully they do the same for EA!
Good luck!</p>

<p>ahhh I’m so nervous. I check myUM everyday too lol.

<p>From what I am able to see on the website we EA won’t hear till Feb 1st - Good luck everyone</p>

<p>are we going to be able to see it online on the first?! or are we going to have to wait for snail mail…</p>

<p>Does anyone know when they are mailing their decisions/actually sending them out next year? In the past, someone was eager enough to call and ask lol. I hope we get them before the 1st.</p>

<p>do they send you this package and shirt or is this something else? [YouTube</a> - University of Miami - Acceptance](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>Hmm… I didn’t get one. Maybe my dad took it, though, he opened the letter. :stuck_out_tongue: It also might be a school of communication thing.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what were the stats of those who got admitted ED? I applied EA and want to see what chance I have. What scholarships are they offering?</p>