OOS Merit Scholarships Yet?

My daughter was accepted EA. We are hoping for a merit scholarship. I saw that a couple instate students got awards, any out of state students yet?

My son was also accepted EA. We are from Ohio. We have not heard anything about scholarships yet. Getting a little worried.

Haven’t heard anything here, OOS hopeful. No one I’ve seen on here has gotten an OOS award yet.

Not heard anything yet here in Illinois. Not likely that they have started going out yet without anyone on CC mentioning it. I wouldn’t start worrying yet.

Thanks for responding.

We’re in Texas and my daughter logged onto her Purdue online account and found that she had received a Trustee’s Scholarship. It said that the scholarship offer was made on 12/25/14 but she didn’t log in and see it until 12/30. She also received a letter in the mail. (I’m not sure when it arrived because we’ve been out of town for the past week.) Maybe more OOS offers will be coming out soon. Best of luck to everyone!

Congrats to your daughter!! Where on the myPurdue account could this information be found?

From her myPerdue account, she went to her Application Summary. Just below the line that says “Decision Letter” w/ a link to view the letter, there’s another another line that says “Merit Scholarship” along with a link to view her scholarship letter. Hope this helps!

@TexasMom2Two That is so great for your daughter. My daughter has checked her application summary and no scholarship letter. Trying to be patient, but getting less optimistic as time passes.

Keep checking! The website says Trustees scholarships will be notified by early January and the Presidential scholarships are notified by mid-February…so there’s still time! (http://www.admissions.purdue.edu/costsandfinaid/freshman.php)

My son cannot even see his decision letter online yet, let alone any scholarship info. :frowning:

Did he get a decision letter in the mail? Daughter could see decision letter right away, but we live overseas and she got her snail mail version only a few days ago. She has received lots of different emails, some duplicates, and an invitation to audition for music ensembles, but she does need a scholarship to help with OOS costs.

No scholarship as of yet, without it she may not be able to go to Purdue as we will not likely quality for any other financial aid.

Yeah, he got the snail mail letter a few days after the decision was updated online, just not able to view online.

Same boat with aid here. The merit money is a necessity for Purdue to be a viable competitor to other options. I still think it’s early though. I’ve only seen a few online references to Trustee Scholarships that weren’'t actually Emerging Leaders Scholarships.

I hope you are correct. Thank goodness my daughter is quite agreeable to any of the schools that she has applied to and understands that the bottom line will be a deciding factor. We want to avoid debt (hers or ours) if at all possible. Purdue has, however, bubbled to the top of the list a her favorite. I have to say, money side of this process has me stressed, as I am sure it has many parents.

@NorthernMom I can appreciate the stress. We went through it 2 years ago and will go through it again next year. Our D had the same opinion concerning Purdue. It became her favorite. Waiting is the hard part. Each school will handle things differently. In the end you won’t know for sure until usually the first week in April. That’s when most of the financial aid packages will be in. Some schools gave their merit scholarships early and later gave financial aid and university grants, others gave the package up front, she received scholarship offers from some schools after she had made her decision in April. Usually those were smaller in nature. It will be interesting to find out who will give what. We got a couple of surprises, Purdue being one of them, some good, some bad. There were schools like Purdue that we figured she would be unlikely to afford and their financial aid package made it affordable, there were others that we thought she might have a chance at a very good scholarship and they gave her little beyond loans. Good luck to you.

@Ivvcsf Thanks so much for your encouragement. We have no choice but to try to be patient.

When I was going through this process 4 years (wow time flies). I remember being convinced that I wasn’t getting a scholarship, but I got my presidential acholarship letter in mid/late March. Maybe I wasn’t a first choice recipient or something because someone rejected their offer with scholarship or maybe they were just slow. I have no idea, but I’m just letting y’all know not to give up hope now.

@naturaldistaster That is reassuring. I hope that your studies at Purdue are going great.

I am also from Texas and have not heard back from Purdue about merit-based scholarships/admission to the honor’s program. I was admitted through the Early Action process, but now all I can do is wait for the scholarship information to come through.