OOS Merit Scholarships Yet?

Nobody I’ve spoken to in our town (Illinois) has heard anything about either. Honors program I did not expect to hear from this early, but a little surprised there is so little talk re: merit scholarships.

Yes, it’s quite worrisome. Considering @TexasMom2Two‌’s daughter already heard back… that’s most certainly not reassuring.

Now it’s just a waiting game.

Still anxiously waiting here. I fear that “early January” has certainly gone by. Trying to keep the hope going, understanding that Indiana residents get priority.

@NorthernMom61‌, same here, I have accepted my defeat for the Trustee’s scholarship and am remaining optimistic for anything else :slight_smile: Best of luck!

All of the OOS posters here, many with very high stats, and only one reference to an OOS Trustee Scholarship. I dunno, seems kinda strange. Basis recent years though, I suppose you are right. We are past early January.

Yeah, this is a small sample of posters, I really only know my daughter’s stats which are strong but it may be a extra competitive year. The presidential scholarships are still out there we hope. I hope you get one too.

My son has been accepted, but nothing about scholarships yet. I don’t think we will choose Purdue (his top choice, tied with MIT) if we have to pay full OOS tuition and other costs. He’s going to be super disappointed if it comes to that.
ACT 34
GPA 3.7
Did get full tuition scholarships to 3 other schools, though.

@purplexgoldxalum Daughter did not apply to any schools that offer full tuition, but she has received merit scholarships that bring the schools she has been admitted to (so far) down to what we have budgeted to pay for each year for four years, and that is all we are hoping for with Purdue. She applied early at Purdue specifically for consideration for their best merit scholarships. She really likes Purdue so will also be disappointed, but keeping the cost down as much as possible is a reality that we as a family have to consider, especially since our EFC puts us in the full pay category. My husband keeps reminding my daughter that we have never owned a car that even comes close in cost to one year of college even with a partial tuition merit scholarship. She is probably sick of hearing it though would NEVER complain, but she also shares our goal of trying to get through four years without loans if she can. It is proving to be hard to wait for that answer one way or the other.

@NorthernMom61 Pretty much same here. My daughter has gotten some good merit scholarships that have made a few schools within our budget. We won’t get need based aid but can’t afford $40k+ a year, so it is up to merit money. Still waiting for money from a few schools and there are a few we know won’t give any like my alma mater Penn State. Va Tech is tight with money also.

@daveverdo I think I am more anxious about all the different timelines and waiting involved in this college process than my daughter is. She takes everything in stride. It has been a pleasure raising someone who amazes me everyday. Best of luck to your daughter.

@northernmom61 Our families sound very similar! Best of luck to yours! We are in the south (I’m guessing you are not), and it seems that more large universities within a few hours drive of our city offer guaranteed full tuition scholarships based on GPA and ACT/SAT. It definitely seems to be a regional thing. Still hoping something works out at Purdue.

Only “some” notifications for Trustee Scholarships have gone out thus far.

Still hope I guess!

…on financial aid chat right now…

@Zmyatin Thanks for the update. Keeping us all hopeful.

@purplexgoldxalum We are from the northeast US, but we have lived overseas, Middle East and Asia for almost 18 years now. Daughter will be in the US on her own for college so she mostly applied to schools in the northeast so she can be close to family. She also wants a cold climate–as she has never experienced snow or even Christmas in the US. Purdue was her geographic outlier, but we have some ties to Indiana, it is close enough to O’Hare Airport, and there are so many things about it that she has fallen in love with. And since she wants to study engineering–it seems like an excellent choice for her.

These chats are so chaotic, here is the quote…

Later on, another admin in the chat said this…

Yay, there is still a chance!

But then later…

Uggg, C’mon, I have been on these chats before and I know what questions are going to be asked again and again, surely they know they are gonna get these questions; get your story straight before you start out!

@YZamyatin Thanks again. Since I couldn’t do the chat I was hoping that someone like yourself would post information from the chat as you have. The answers seem consistent with what it on their website. It does keep the hope alive.

@northernmom61 The chat was not super helpful. A lot of repeating what was on the website or referring you to the website. If you are in the admitted student Facebook group, a transcript was posted last night (by a parent, I think).

@purplegoldxalum Thanks. From what @YZamyatin stated above it did seem consistent with the website. So we try to be patient and wait. Maybe our kids will be able to meet each other next year, that would be cool. My daughter is interested in Biomedical engineering. What is your child’s interest?

Was reading last year’s thread on Merit Scholarships that was started in February and it seems that the Presidential scholarship letters were sent out by the end of February (25th/26th) for the most part. From those posters it seems that some students with very high stats would receive a scholarship and a separate honors college invitation, while others would receive one but not the other. Some were in-state and some were out of state. It was, apparently, very competitive last year, and there did not seem to be a clear rhyme or reason to why one student would get an offer and another would not when they had very similar stats. I guess each college gets to decide what “holistic” is.

I talked to my friends today (we are in-state) and none of them have recieved any scholarships from Purdue. They are pretty smart, one got deferred from Harvard, and they applied EA so I think most people haven’t gotten any yet. At least that’s what I am hoping.