OOS Merit Scholarships Yet?

Congratulations to fellow scholarship recipients, and my heart goes out to those who also deserve a scholarship for your hard work but did not get an offer. It has been a long wait since the December 12 decision day. My daughter did get a Presidential Scholarship offer of $10,000 as well, which brings the cost of attendance within a range that we can probably afford. We will be full pay otherwise, so she needed something like this to make Purdue a viable option. Now we wait to see if she is admitted to and gets offers from her three RD schools before she makes a final decision, but as of today she is most likely to be a Boilermaker next year, and thrilled about it.

Where is the application summary located?

@Anchorman321 It is the application status log in that you were sent via e-mail to check your decision on December 12. If you scroll down you will see where to enter your log in information. Your application status comes up. If you were awarded a scholarship, a link to the letter will be right below your decision letter. I believe hard copies were also sent out. Hope that helps.

@Anchorman321 If you got a merit scholarship, you should get a letter in the mail sometime over the next week. Otherwise, the only non-student-initiated-notification you’ll get is when your financial aid package is shown in mid-March.

If you want to see if you got your scholarship right this instant, go here: https://selfservice.mypurdue.purdue.edu/prod/bwskalog.P_DispLoginNon and login with your username and password. They’re made up entirely of numbers. Then, click on “Fall 2015” and look underneath the “Decision Letter” box. If there’s a box named “Merit Scholarships”, you got a scholarship. Click on the link next to the box to see the details. If there’s not a box, you didn’t get a scholarship.

Thank You, I was able to find it.

Where do we see an honors program invite?

Congrats to your D NorthernMom. Our D is hosting a student for the Society of Women Engineers this weekend. She has finished her first term in a five term co-op this past fall and has recently been talking to 11 different professors for research opportunities. The key is taking advantage of the opportunities which are available. I am sure that may be true to a degree for many universities, however, she (we) have been very happy with her education and opportunities at Purdue.

Where is this application summary thing? I logged onto mypurdue for the first time today…

Presidential Scholarship awarded!

Also received an Honor’s invitation. Congrats to all others as well :slight_smile:

@ThatOnePastry‌, Congratulations!

@Ivvcsf, Thanks for your supportive words. Wish we could visit and daughter could do one of those overnights but we live overseas. I think she has done the virtual tour several times though. She is excited and very interested in being involved in research. She has been doing an internship for part of her senior course load and now knows she wants to continue in biomedical science and engineering more than ever. Glad to hear that your daughter is doing great at Purdue.

Thanks @NorthernMom61‌! It seems like you and I have been waiting forever! And hey, I might just bump into your daughter at Purdue!

@ThatOnePastry‌, yes we have both been waiting together, and yes there is a great chance you might just be on the same campus or in the same classes if you are also engineering. Congrats again!

Hoping for a merit scholarship, but I doubt I’ll get one since it’s already almost March. I was expecting to get merit aid from UIUC, Purdue, and University of Minnesota, but nothing so far from all 3 schools. The suspense is killing me. I heard a lot of people got merit scholarship letters from Purdue like 2 days ago in their application status portal. Just have to wait and see, I guess.

Someone posted the information from the admitted students Facebook page the other day stating that after this batch of scholarships that the next will be those that are combined with need and that financial aid packages will be out later for those with demonstrated need. The waiting is grueling, I have to agree. Best of luck.

I’m OOS and was fortunate enough to receive the Presidential Scholarship for 10K a year. I don’t want to sound ungrateful but has anyone had the experience with Purdue adding anything else on at a later date? I know they won’t match competing schools but a little more would definitely help.

when did you receive your scholarship notification on portal? @garda323‌

@Ishaan7 Admitted FYE 12/12 and Presidential on 2/18. Go to check your application status - in Application Summary, it shows the scholarship in the Merit ScIf you can’t find the Application Summary google “application summary Purdue” and it should pop up. Good luck.

@garda323 The next round is merit that has a need component. Were you asked to apply for any further scholarships? My daughter was invited to apply for some special scholarships for exploratory majors. I think there was a Feb 1 deadline for supplemental applications.
