Orientation - anyone go so far

<p>Has anyone come back from orientation yet? If so, can you give insight to what went on, highlights, low points, comments, thoughts. etc . . .</p>

<p>I went. I personally thought it was boring and excessively drawn-out. A lot of the information given is simply common sense and shouldn't be even mentioned. Also, I thought it was really awkward how we had to ask mandatory questions to the orientation leaders so they could satisfy their quota of questions.</p>

<p>Now onto the good things...</p>

<p>I found that they have several new and upcoming programs, like for instance, the Integrated Science Program. I didn't find any use for it, but it's a sign of progression. Also, the Expo with some of the clubs was useful. The academic advising was also pretty helpful if you are unsure between two majors. But yeah, that's pretty much it.</p>

<p>I went this past Friday and Saturday. Pretty much everyone (parents and students) complained about how long it lasted on the first day. I was there for 12 hours, and my mom and I left before the thing was even completely over. I personally thought that the academic advising was not very helpful. I spent a total of five minutes with the lady and then I was pretty much rushed out to the computer lab before all of my questions were even answered (but that was in the pre-physiology department). Then, when I was registering, they had absolutely NO foreign language classes left. The other thing that I heard almost everyone complaining about was the math placement tests. I only talked to two or three people who passed it (and that was the easy one). We were told that calculators were not necessary, but trust me, it would've been EXTREMELY helpful if I would've had one. Now I'm most likely stuck taking a 5 week long summer class at the community college beginning next month. Aside from those things, I thought the program in general was okay. I did meet a lot of really cool people.</p>

<p>Brittany, if your SAT/ACT math scores are high enough, you can use those instead of the math placement test to place into math classes.</p>

<p>My thoughts on Orientation - ALL the classes I wanted to take were filled up!! I had to slect the worst classes annd times</p>

<p>What do the the scores in math have to be in order to be placed?</p>

<p>Mario, just check back every now and then. When you notice that theres a seat or two open, take it!</p>

UA</a> Math Course Placement | Non-MRT based placement</p>