
<p>We just got back from orientation for my engineering student. Feel free to ask any questions!</p>

<p>Me too! I am an engineering student as well. Feel free to ask questions.</p>

<p>We were there too…Tuesday/Wednesday . When did you guys go??</p>

<p>Thurs and Fri</p>

<p>Just a little tid bit for COE students…over 8000 students applied to the COE and about 1500 were accepted…the actual class is around 1400. Pretty amazing stats. </p>

<p>Dang… </p>

<p>I didn’t realize admittance into the COE was that competitive now. </p>

<p>I doubt it though. Who told you that? What’s up with that HUGE yield rate for COE?</p>

<p>I asked during the orientation session with the professor. I forget her name. It was at the session at the new engineering building. I find it doubtful the professor lied to us. I asked how many students applied to the COE. She said 8000. </p>

<p>That is probably true. But, I am pretty sure they accepted way more than 1500. And that yield rate can’t be that high… even Stanford’s is not that high :D</p>

<p>VT historically gets around 6,000 COE apps and accepts 70-73%, to end up with around 1500 enrolled COE students (35% yield).</p>

<p>There is no way they accept 70% into the COE. I don’t buy it. The speaker at the engineering meeting made it very clear they were highly selective in the process . From what I have read they accept 1 in 4 applications. </p>

<p>@crazymom4 - see link below. These stats are directly from VT and I doubt they fudge the numbers as the information is required to be provided by all colleges to outside parties for compliance and regulatory reasons. There is a section near the bottom for offers, etc by college</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.ir.vt.edu/work_we_do/demo_enroll/admission/studentAdmission.html”>http://www.ir.vt.edu/work_we_do/demo_enroll/admission/studentAdmission.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I agree, I remember hearing an acceptance rate of about 30-40% for the Engineering school</p>

<p>You are correct, the 30-40% acceptance rate quoted is for the # students accepting offers (ie: yield). It is not the % of offers given which is 70% on average (ie: Total applications / Total Offers given). This can be tricky to catch, depending on how it is worded. Regardless, VT is a great school.</p>

<p>From the link provided by BBoop42, 2013 stats: </p>

<p>Applied to COE (undergrad): 5,646
Accepted to COE: 4,104 (73.2% of applicants)
Enrolled in COE: 1,435 (35.0% of those accepted)</p>

<p>Applied to VT undergrad, 2013: 19,112
Accepted: 13,432 (70.0%)
Enrolled: 5,364 (39.9%)</p>

<p>If they had over 8000 apply this year for the 1500 or so spaces, then the acceptance rate has to be lower. So it could realistically be an acceptance rate around 50- 40% this year.</p>

<p>@undercover007, you are correct…I wonder if the 8,000 includes students applying to COE, but accepted to a second choice instead…might make sense as it seems odd that the overall COE applications would increase by over 30% unless it includes those students. Guess we will know for sure in October when they update the official stats in the link above.</p>

<p>FYI - the link I provided above also has great information on professors and their actual quarterly grade distribution by CRN. My son uses this a lot to understand which professors grade easier / harder as it is an unbaised source of information.</p>