Other majors for Marketing?

My D20 will be a review applicant. She is 11% rank and 26 ACT so will be a review candidate and slim to none chances of getting into Mays. She really wants to go to A&M and is trying to determine a good 2nd choice major that will still get her to her end goal, realizing that she still might not get admitted. She is interested in Marketing - sales, consulting, and the design side too. I know that ECON is a great major for business related to finance, but not sure how that would translate to Marketing. She is also considering Agribusiness but doesn’t want to be limited to Ag related jobs. If she ends up going to A&M and majoring in something else, she would plan to minor in business. Thanks for any suggestions. She will also be applying to TTU and Arkansas as well as SFA and TXST.

What about Communications?

I did some research and found business communications to be similar to marketing. Unfortunately, I didn’t see it on the list of majors that Texas A&M offers.

Communications in the Liberal Arts college (with a business minor, if one can minor in business at TAMU?) would match well with the goal of working in sales, consulting, or design.

Econ with psych minor or vice versa. Depends on what she wants to do after graduation

Can you minor in business at TAMU?

Yes you can minor in business but not specialty within it. It’s a general business minor with 18 credits. No approval necessary just have to declare it with advisor so it’s added to degree plan.

Thank you. I suggested communications but she was not super excited about the foreign language requirements or the emphasis on writing. She seemed more interested in the degree plan for ECON, but DH and I think that communication lends more to her interests post graduation.

Statistics or Data Science. Nowadays a marketing major without statistics is useless.
(In fact, if she truly wants to work in Marketing, she could major in statistics and minor in Business Analytics.) It does require a strong background in math (good grades in calc AB preferably).

Agribusiness doesn’t limit students to agriculture - think Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Breyer’s, Kellogg’s, all food&drink related brands hire from that major ; placement is 100% if I’m not mistaken. Lots of paid internships. And after 4-5 years it’s easy to move up or switch companies.

About foreign language:
Canada is our top trading partner (along with Mexico). It’s also interesting for marketing majors: brands have realized they couldn’t just have the same commercial in French translated from the English, many commercials simply " didn’t work". So they had to declop their Marketing and linguistic chops! She could take French classes as well as marketing classes at Concordia in Montreal (summer session costs are very reasonable and it’d be a good way for her to combine marketing with her foreign language requirement.)