Daughter missed the automatic admission criteria by 2 points on her ACT. (retook and got exact same score)
Top 25%
1300 SAT
28 ACT
Great letters of Rec.
Lots of leadership roles on her Extra Curr. with variety of organizations
Lots of community service hours

Applied to LA on Aug.1st. REALLY WANTS TO BE AN AGGIE!

Anyone with similar credentials already get in??? Hoping to hear something SOON. She checks DAILY. :frowning:

My son got a 28 twice too!! I couldn’t believe it. His rank is the 30’s though so he has tougher battle than your daughter.

@GigemMom I think your daughter has a good shot at admission. Just keep your head up and keep checking. Only a few more weeks to wait.

Daughter applied 8/3. 29 on act, 1360 on sat (however 640 on reading…needed a 660 for auto admit), top 15%…still waiting

My friend had the same! Except her school doesn’t rank. She had a 28 as well and got in a couple of months ago. I have high hopes she will get in though.

Another member of the painful wait club. Interesting most of the people that have posted about just missing are top 25% applied early August, are one or 2 points off, etc … seem to be young ladies. Maybe the guys don’t post as much? Anyway good luck, superficially it would seem that they all have very good chances at admission.

For the guys… my son is top 12% 1340 SAT (New) applied early September still waiting.